Letters From A Crazy

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I hate Wattpad so much. Was that chapter actually posted early or did it lie to me? Anyhoo~


{ PhilzA POV }

"Well, I'm doing alright. I really miss my mate though."

"Ah, okay thanks! I'll tell him after breakfast." Dream replies, grinning like a madman as I carefully walk over to the kitchen table, a plate of pancakes balanced precariously in my hands.

"Yasssss." The dirty blonde hums as I manage to set down the plate, and whisk off the plaid towel, the steaming golden-brown discs are exposed for only a moment before Dream nabs three at once, dropping them onto his plate before claiming another.

"Woah there mate, you can slow down a little. We aren't sharing with Ghostbur, it's just us. Besides if we run out I can always just make more." Dream just stares at me, his face completely blank, his eyes emotionless. I just shrug at his -I assume- disbelief. 

"Oh yeah. Techno also told me to ask you about a will? Have you read it or something like that." He says casually. I freeze. The paper in the bottom drawer of my dresser burning a hole through the floor. 

"N-nah mate, I haven't read it yet. I mean he's not dead is he?" Why would Tech mention it?

"Oh. Well he didn't tell me what to say if you said that, but I'm pretty sure he wants you to read it." Hmmm that's certainly odd. Finally sitting down, I grab and take a bite of one of my pancakes, and almost immediately start to choke on it. "Careful there old man!" Dream calls from across the table, his airy tenor voice weighted with concern.

"Careful who you call old there. I can kick you out y'know." I respond after coughing out the offending bit of pancake.

"Mm sure, sure." 

{ Pandora's Vault POV }

"AlrighhhhtÝ Teçh oblaðe! Yove goœt a lEtter!" Sams voice choked its way out of the broken microphone, and made its way to Technos waiting ears.

"Wha?" The  pinkette asked aloud? Confused as to way the warden wasn't just readin j him the letter in person. He wasn't given time to ponder long, as within seconds a pap resonated around the small cell. Techno picked up the small white rectangle that fell from the ceiling with his bad arm, trying to work some of the stiffness out of his muscles. Sitting down cautiously, the  pinkette opened the letter, cutting the purple wax seal with his knife. Warily unfolding the letter, the warrior began to read.

'Dear Technoblade,

To get straight to the point, you aren't, which means you like someone, which means you will die protecting them, which means you have a weakness and can be killed.' 

Techno blinked. He hadn't given much thought to his sexuality, but he knew himself  well enough say he was a proud Bisexual, but all of Quackitys' logic made zero sense, I mean, all this rambling about love, and a weakness, some of the logic would make sense in other contexts, but all the  pinkette could see when he read this, was a man driven insane. Again, what did his sexuality have anything to do with wether or not you are in love? The letter continued.

'And, since you can in fact be killed, I think it to be only fair if I take your lives, seeing as you've eliminated two of my own. I'll be seeing you soon Technoblade!'

It took all of the pink-haired warriors' self control to not burst out laughing right then and there. The man was clearly in need of a visit to the therapist, and all this talk of Techno dying? Simply laughable in itself! Technoblade had once won a 3 v 21,  and that was on the side of the 3. But, it was still troubling, with him in a weakened state with no (usable) weapon, he had to escape as soon as possible. And, the  pinkette hoped, as dramatically as possible.


Ahhh here's another chapter of trash for you, have a nice dight :)

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