Finding Yourself In Someone Else👩🏽‍🦰🪞👩🏽‍🦱

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"There he is!"  Adira hears Kehau say softly she wakes up then turns in her seat and sees her friend walk in with her children who laugh softly as they rush over and give her a hug then they hear the chirp of the console telling them that Gray has...

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"There he is!"  Adira hears Kehau say softly she wakes up then turns in her seat and sees her friend walk in with her children who laugh softly as they rush over and give her a hug then they hear the chirp of the console telling them that Gray has "awakened" and they watch as a smiling Gray looks at his own hand then sits up and gets a hug of his own from Lani and Sarek "welcome to the ship of the living!"  Kehau says Gray chuckles then replies with a smile "it's good to be here!"  Kehau teases "you may change your mind after eating the synthesized food here!"  Gray laughs "alright you two lets go see daddy.... again! for my promise has been fulfilled"  Kehau says to her children who rush over to her "don't you dare say it Gray! and I'll get my hug later.... if Adira promises not to get jealous!"  Kehau says as she walks out the door with her children at her side Gray chuckles with a smile.... Hugh was grateful to Kehau and her children for they seemed to be able to keep Paul's mind off his.... well everyone's.... problem that he was tirelessly working on even if it was for only a hour and a half everyday.... Paul ate lunch with them as well by order of the children.... "I.... need a distraction!"  Saru hears Kehau whisper softly from behind him as he prepares for the Negotiation Meeting on Ni'Var "what is wrong!?!"  he asks with a concerned tone "Tilly and Adira went to the Academy to help with the team building exercise their shuttle had been hit by a rogue gamma-ray burst.... they're fine but Tilly's "plans" aren't working properly when it comes to getting her team to work as a team or even talk to one another for that matter and.... she also lost a cadet when they crash landed on the wrong moon...."  she explains "why don't you and the children come down to the planet with us"  he suggests her eyes widen he cups her arm with his hand and assures "there is nothing between us I was just being friendly"  she shakes her head and he frowns his eyes widen and he says "not THAT friendly!"  he shakes his head and his whole demeanor becomes sad and she walks out of the room to prepare her children for the trip to a place she has no will to go to and not because of who she knows she'll meet down there.... "I'm sorry my children and I have a connection to nature and living on a ship we sort of needed this even if it has only been a few weeks since the last time we were on one we never know when we'll get the chance again and.... it'll be good for them especially since they are the only children on board"  Kehau tells T'Rina softly when the Vulcan president came to greet Saru "you are welcome for as long as you wish"  T'Rina tells her Kehau nods respectfully then walks away Saru watches her depart with sad eyes as Michael, Lani and Sarek beam down to the planet Lani and Sarek rush over to their mother with smiles on their faces, hug her then take her hand and go with her to wherever she wished to go which just so happened to be The Cliffs of Surak.... Saru looks at the cup of Kelpien tea in his hand sadly as he thinks back to his wife's reaction to when she had caught him talking to T'Rina alone when they first met and her reaction to coming to this planet as a whole thinking she was uncertain of his intentions when it comes to the Vulcan president.... Kehau brings her children to spend some time with their father when she senses that they were having a recess and she once again catches Saru with T'Rina who had a small entourage with her this time not knowing that they were there Saru keeps his attention on the Vulcan woman standing before him and says "President T'Rina thank you for the traditional Kelpien tea"  T'Rina replies "I thought you might like a taste of home"  Saru becomes sad as his thoughts once again return to his wife AND his children "my wife makes excellent tea with herbs from her own garden that is on the ship she and my children are my home"  Saru tells her T'Rina nods "I am dismayed the situation is so difficult if I can be of assistance, you need only ask many would be happy to see Ni'Var and the Federation rejoined, myself included"  Saru says "I, too, share this sentiment but I am bound first and foremost by obligations to my own people there is nothing more I can do if the Federation is unwilling to compromise"  T'Rina replies "of course I understand"  Saru replies  "now, if you will excuse me, I intend to use the remaining recess for meditation"  T'Rina says Saru nods his head he takes a step back and as T'Rina and her entourage leave he sees his wife and children standing in the doorway and he stares at them in shock for he didn't even sense their presence and he ALWAYS senses their presence Kehau nods at her children and they rush over to their father and hug him then Kehau turns and walks away Saru opens then closes his mouth wanting to stop her from leaving and not allowing any words to come out of his mouth and he turns his attention solely to his children wishing his wife was still with them he send his children to go find there mother as Michael walks over to where they are and watches as they leave the room wishing he could join them he wondered what it was that made Kehau mistrust him so much when it came to T'Rina "she doesn't like Vulcans"  Michael says as she walks over to Saru who turns to face her and replies with a soft surprised tone "but she got along with....!?!"  Michael smiles and says "that is true but Spock is the son of the only friend she had when she was Vulcan.... her excuse is their stubbornness and seemingly unwillingness to and for change but I believe her mistrust of them comes from how she was treated when she was a Vulcan or at least it is part of it there could be more for who knows how many other half's of her met a Vulcan in her lifetime"  Saru nods even though he is still confused as to why his wife's mistrust is placed on one particular Vulcan "has your fear for affection returned?!"  Michael asks Saru looks at her in surprise as the memory of his wife calling him a coward flashes through his mind "there is not much Kehau doesn't tell me we were cellmates of sorts once all we had was each other then and she has become a easy read because of that.... for me anyway"  Michael says with a smile then she turns the conversation to the issue at hand as though to give his mind something else to think about.... "I wanted to give you something but since Saru "ordered" us to spend time down on the planet while he's meeting with the Vulcans I left it on your ship"  Booker hears Kehau say from beside him and from how soft her voice is he knew she wasn't really there "it's just a sapling but hopefully.....!"  she says his head snaps in the direction her voice came from and he asks curiously "a sapling!?!"  she nods and replies "from the Tulí Forest the dirt in the pot is decorated with a mandala made from sand from the Mameckx'sha River.... I HAVE been to your planet before remember?!"  he chuckles softly.... Kehau meditates with a holo of the Vulcan Sarek and his son Spock but this time it is the elder Spock one she did not know "I'm in need of your consul once more my friend though I have decided to try something different and make you look like those from this time would know you"  she tells Spock once she turns him on the holo of Spock eyes shine as though he is smiling then she turns on the holo of the Sarek she knows "I thought we'd meditate it has been a long time since I have done so and even though I have never been good at it with where we are at this point in time I figured it would be prudent to at least attempt it"  she tells them and they smile at her in their "Vulcan" way so as Spock and Kehau meditate the holo of the Vulcan Sarek teaches Kehau's son Sarek and his sister Lani how to meditate so they could join if they wished to and they willingly took the time to learn and joined when the Vulcan Sarek believed they were ready as did the Vulcan Spock and that was how Saru found them when he came searching for them after the meeting was truly over and even he joined them using what T'Rina had taught him to do so a few seconds after he kneeled down and closed his eyes he felt six arm wrap themselves around him he opens his eyes and sees his family hugging him and he hugs them back with a sigh he looks into his wife's eyes and whispers "she invited me for tea.... I told her I'd rather spend time with my family"  Kehau smiles and replies softly with a whispered tone "I know!"  then she kisses his lips and the four of them beam aboard the Discovery....

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