Chapter 58: News Over Tea

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Y/n's POV:
"Fred I'm back!" I called as I entered a shop after a busy and long day a work, counting down the day until my return Hogwarts for auror duty. Fred was against the mission because of the babies and he is just generally worried about my safety.

Fred came walking to me with his wand raised, a desperate look in his eyes as though he wanted to stop pointing a wand at me. "Patronus."

"Of course darling." I replied, pulling my wand out of my robe. "Expecto Patronum!" I called.

My wand erupted a blue mist into the sky which had formed a shape of a badger and it began to bound around the room and into Fred before disappeared into my wand. Fred lowered his wand and came over to hug and kiss me before planting two small kisses on my stomach for the babies.

"How were bean and pea today?" Fred asked as he rubbed my stomach, as did I.

"Well, I don't know which one but one or both of them were really craving breadsticks." I replied with a giggle.

"And is bean and/or pea still craving breadsticks?" Fred said with a smile as we began to walk to the flat so I could place my heavy bag down.

"Yes, yes they are." I smiled as I let out a sigh as I placed my bag down on their nearest counter.

"Well, we have some breadsticks in the cupboard, I'll get them and you take a seat and sit in it." Fred said, making his way into the kitchen to find me breadsticks and soon came back with a whole unopened box of them. My mouth drooled and I licked my lips with anticipation.

"Thank you Freddie!" I said excitedly as I reached to grab the box from Fred's hand, he giggled as he handed me the box and ripped it open to get to the breadsticks faster. I opened the packet and devoured the first breadstick in seconds.

"Love, slow down a bit." Fred smiled as I finished my second and started the third.

And within five minutes, the whole box with finished and I was humming in delight as I swallowed the last one. Let's just say, craving full-filled with both Fred and I smiling.

"Thank you Freddie, I didn't know we had breadsticks." I smiled as I cleaned up the mess I made and placing the rubbish in the bin and cleaned up the crumbs that the breadsticks caused.

"I got some a while ago but I forgot about them." Fred smiled.

"Let's say that you full filled my craving." I smiled. I walked towards the bedroom to change when I noticed something. "FRED!" I called and he came rushing to the room.

"What's wrong my love." Fred panted panicked but relaxed slightly when he saw my excited expression.

"Look!" I said pointing at my stomach where the smallest bump lied. Fred and I shared a wide smile and he ran to hug me tightly before planting two small kisses on my stomach.

"Wow! A bump!" Fred said, lost for words as he rubbed his hands over the small bump on my stomach.

"It's only going to get bigger!" I smiled as I rubbed the bump. I know it was tiny but it was something, a sign that my babies were getting bigger.

Fred stood in our bedroom still lost for words, staring and rubbing my small bump with a smile on his and my face.

"Oh and by the way, Ella is coming over tomorrow for some tea." I said to Fred.

"Oh okay, what time?" Fred asked, I told him lots about Ella and I told her lots about Fred. I invited her over to meet Fred and tell her about my pregnancy because I was not telling her about it whilst at work.

"About 2pm." I replied. Fred nodded and smiled.

"Oh alright, shall we do dinner?" Fred asked, glancing at the clock to see it was 5:30pm on a Friday night, a night where me and Fred do dinner.

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