"Alright." Ethan said, looking at Edgar. "You have to go get mum, and dad. Okay?"

Edgar looked up looking around at all the faces at the table. "Okay..." He said scared.

Jasper looked at the others. "You can't expect him to, he is six."

Ethan shrugged.

Jasper rolled his eyes. He got up. "I'll do it." He was just about to walk out when an owl flew in from the window. They all jumped.

"AH!" Yelled Toby.

"Bloody hell!" Yelled Ethan, grabbing Francis away from the owl.

Jasper stared at the owl, and went in front of his siblings, and backed away.

Before Jasper could grab him, Edgar ran toward the owl, and patted it's head. "A bird!" He said happily.

Jasper looked at his siblings confused. "That is a really nice owl." He commented, noticing it didn't nip at Edgar when he continued to pet it. He slowly approached it. "Excuse me?" He asked. "Please leave."

The owl stared at him with a glint in its eyes.

Edgar held something in his hands. "Letter!"

Jasper turned from the owl who was still staring at him, and focused on Edgar. "What?" Edgar held up an envelope. Jasper took it. Did the owl deliver this? Owls don't deliver letters Jasper thought. He looked at who it was addressed to.

He gasped.

"What?" Asked Toby looking over at Jasper, and the owl. "What is it?"

Jasper held out the envelope for them to see. It was an envelope that was made out of parchment, and the seal was red with an "H" in the middle, and who it was addressed read:

Jasper B Odair

The Second Bedroom

17 Park Avenue


They all stared at it in amazement.

"Woah." Whispered Francis.

"Double woah." Said Toby. He looked at Jasper. "Open it!"

Jasper looked at them still in shock. "But - but who would be contacting me? I have no friends."

"We know." They all said except Edgar who said "I am your friend."

Jasper looked at Edgar, and smiled. He turned back to others. "How would they know where I was sleeping, the address?" He showed them the letter again, and pointed out the second bedroom. "It's odd."

Their mother entered the room, and saw all the boys crowding around a piece of mail. "What are you all doing?!" She asked harshly. Toby, Ethan, Francis, and Edgar all hid behind Jasper. "What are you holding?" She demanded looking at Jasper.

Jasper looked nervous. "I - um-"

There was a knock at the door.

They all turned toward the sound of it.

Their mother rolled her eyes, and sat down. "Get it."

Jasper rushed out, and his brothers followed him. Jasper approached the door, but before opening it, he turned to his brothers. "No one has any bruises?" He looked at all them, and shook their heads. "You sure?" They nodded. "Alright." He turned to the door, and opened it. "Hello?"

At the door was a young woman, who was wearing emerald green robes, and a black witches hat.

Very peculiar clothing choice. Thought Jasper. "Can...can I help you?"

The woman gave him a kind smile. "Yes, I was wondering if I could come in, and speak with your mother or father?"

"Are you child protective services?" Asked Toby. Ethan stomped on his foot. "Because you don't need to be here!" Toby added quickly.

The women looked at them concerned. Their mother came to the door just then, she looked at the women's clothes with a hint of distaste. "I am sorry, why are you here?"

"I was wondering if I could speak to you Mrs. Odair."

Their mother looked confused, but said, "Alright, outside though."

The women nodded at this, and they both stepped outside, and sat a little table on the porch. "My name is Minerva McGonagall, and I wanted to talk to you about one of your children." Their mother continued to stare at McGonagall. "It is about one of the children in this household, we want to speak to them about special schooling."

Their mother nodded. "Oh Jasper."

McGonagall looked surprised. "Oh you know about him, and his-"

Their mother interrupted. "Yeah him, and his oddness, he is a troublemaker, you want to set him right?"

McGongall looked shocked at the words used to describe her child, but she kept calm. "Well, we would not say oddness, or the term troublemaker, we would use the term magic."


McGongall was about to explain when she noticed all the boys peeking out the window. "May you please call Jasper out here?"

Their mother sighed, and called him out.

Jasper slowly came out the door. "Hi." He sat down nervously.

"Hello Jasper, my name is Professor McGonagall, and I am Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft, and Wizardry." She gave him a small smile. "We are here to inform you that you have been accepted, and we are also here to tell you about your special abilities."

"Special?" Jasper questioned. His abilities weren't special, they were dangerous, they were weird.

"Have you ever made something happen that you didn't mean to, have you ever made something float or break? Has anything ever happened that is odd or out of the ordinary?"

Jasper slowly nodded.

McGonagall smiled. "Well Hogwarts is a place for people just like you-"

"Freaks?" Jasper stated.

McGonagall shook her head. "No, Mr. Odair. Wizards."

Jasper stared at her, sure that he had misheard her. "What?"

"Wizards, individuals who are capable of doing magic."

"I - I am magical?"

McGongall nodded. "Yes, it is very rare. Many people who have mugg - non magical parents do not possess magical abilities, but you," She looked at him, "you do. You're special. You just need the proper training; which Hogwarts provides, and you will grow up to be a great wizard."

Jasper stared at her digesting this information. He felt a weight lift on his shoulders. All the things he did that were odd, considered not normal, blowing things up, floating, and breaking things, it wasn't his fault, he just couldn't control it. All the things his parents hated him for he just needed to get under control. He just needed special training. He was magical. He was a wizard, not a freak.

"I - I am not a freak?" He asked, looking up at her.

"No Mr. Odair." Mcgonagall replied. "You aren't." 

Freaks: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now