I Am Not A Freak

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Mentioned abuse.

It was crazy how one letter can change your life.

It was a peaceful morning, the sun was shining through the trees. There was a neighbourhood among those trees, and among the neighbourhood was a little house, and beside that house was a tree, and in that tree watching intently was an owl.

In the house there was a mother, and a father who had many children, all of which were boys. They seemed like a normal family.

That is until a window broke.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Not again."

"Really Jasper, again? How does this keep happening?"

"I don't know!" Yelled Jasper. "I just sneezed."

"Mum, and dad are going to kill you." His younger brother Toby said.

Jasper was freaking out, he already had a bruise from the last time he accidentally broke something, he didn't want another. He looked at the glass that was scattered across the floor. "Can you help me before they wake up?"

Toby looked hesitant, he had nervousness in his eyes. "But if they catch me helping-"

"Nevermind." Jasper said understanding that if Toby helped him he would be in trouble as well, he didn't want his brother to get hurt. "Just - um start breakfast."

Toby nodded, and went to the kitchen. Jasper turned again to the broken glass on the floor. He was going to be in big trouble if his parents found out he broke the window again. He didn't mean to, it just happened.

Weird things always happened around him, things that made no sense, things that seemed odd, peculiar, and impossible. He broke, and exploded things when he sneezed, or thought too hard, he could float things with his mind, his family, especially his parents thought it was weird. That he was weird, that he was a freak.

He grabbed a broom, and a dustpan, and started to sweep up the glass remains from the floor. Once he was finished with that, he put the glass shards into the rubbish bin. He was just closing the curtains when the smoke detector went off.

Oh no.

Jasper ran to the kitchen to see Toby burning breakfast.

Why did he let the ten year old cook?

Jasper ran up to the stove, and turned to Toby, "We need to deactivate it before mum, and dad wake up."

"Well dad is probably hung over." Said Toby.

"Shhhh." Hissed Jasper. "Not the time." He ran to the smoke alarm. They heard footsteps on the stairs. Jasper looked at Toby. "Uh oh."

Toby looked scared. "What are we going to do, I don't want to get hit." He looked at Jasper nervously.

Jasper bit his lip, thinking quickly. "Hide in the living room."

Toby stared at him. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Jasper said. He nudged him. "Go, go, quickly!" Toby quickly ran out to hide in the living room. Right after Toby was safe in the living room, their mother came into the kitchen, she glared sleepily at Jasper, a cigarette already in her hand.

"What are you doing?" She hissed.

Jasper looked at her nervously. "Cooking like you asked?" He looked down. "I may have burnt something."

She went up to him, and grabbed his jaw roughly so he was looking up at her. "Look at people when you are speaking." She hissed, he could smell the tobacco. She let go of him, and gave him a little slap on the face. "Don't burn the breakfast again." She staggered out of the kitchen grumpy.

Freaks: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now