Ch. 1 Shadows

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WARNING: topics of corruption, mentions of violence and angst


It took a moment to grasp that Naboo had given into the new empire.

For the sake of your people and reputation, you had to remember the first important rule as a public figure whose influence could impact all. Control your emotions. Too much of them could get you killed.

As you exited the front entrance of the palace, you took in the gross display of "celebration". You accepted the outcome of the queen's decision, but didn't expect the government to pull out all the stops. Sleek starfighters flew above your head, their roar heard over the loud commotion. Banners and flags were waved in the crowds of people, songs from various music groups played loud and clear. How much did we pay for this?

The council stood on either side of the Queen on the grand front steps of the palace, their stances solemn but proud. Governor Sillin whispered nervous encouragement to the others, a fleeting hand giving a pat on the Queen's shoulder. His head turned, she swiped at her shoulder quickly.

"And you, try your best to smile." He said, mimicking the action of pulling your cheeks up with his fingers.

"I'll try." You replied, hands clasped in front of you. You scrunched your face in agreement, a good amount of annoyance rising in your throat as you did.

"You won't try, you will do. Understand?"

I hope they shoot you first so I can watch, you fucking sorry excuse for a man. "I understand."

Nodding, you saw the distant hovering transport tanks and rows of stormtroopers as they marched in the city. The military forces of the planet sat quietly aside, lines of officers behind you.  They came in tows, the sound of their march growing louder and louder. Each stomp your heart thumped, like your doom was coming for you. So slowly did the sound grow closer, leveling up the anticipation.

Stormtroopers entered the vast clearing, marching right up to the last step and stopping. Rows and rows of shiny white bucket heads shown in the sunlight, about near blinding you. The black transport tanks planted themselves in the middle, the hiss of the doors sliding open from the first one. Followed by a few personal guards, the same red-haired man from the holomessage stepped out.

His long black cloak hung from his body, a snug military cap on top of his head as he surveyed Naboo's welcome. You couldn't help but notice his scrunched nose, as if he had smelled something disgusting. Out of hearing, he said a word to his other officials. Apparently whatever he said was so funny, since they stifled their laughter and jeered.

They walked up the steps towards you, a line of stormtroopers following. As the officers of the First Order approached, you made eye contact with the red haired man. He glanced at you, eyebrow raised. To add more insult, he turned away, scowling once more.

"General Hux, we are grateful to meet your acquaintance  for the Order's help in our time of need." The Queen projected.

"Yes of course." He bowed shortly, his voice just as annoying as before. "We are rather intrigued by this...warm welcome."

"Of course, only the best for the Order-" the governor slipped in before being shot down.

"Your saviors, you mean." Hux replied. "We did promise to bring this planet from non-existence, isn't that correct?"

His First Order party nodded, agreeing silently.

"Well let's not dawdle, we must get to business right away." He commanded, waving his hand for the council to travel into the palace.

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