Prompts for Character Backstory :)

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You don't have to use these all, you can just pick. It all depends on you.

What is your character name?

What Race is your character?

What was your mother's profession? What was her personality like? Did she die? If so how old were you when she did? How did this impact you? If you are half-breed what race was your mother?

What was your father's profession? What was his personality like? Did he die? If so how old were you when he did? How did this impact you? If you are a half-breed what race/creature was your father?

How did your parents meet? What was their relationship like?

Is there any story surrounding your birth?

Where is your Hometown? Did you move? If so why and where to? What was your hometown like? (Don't be afraid to ask your GM anything about their world, they'll gladly bore you to death with details)

Early Childhood: Family relations-- How did your mother treat you? How did your father treat you? Did you have any siblings or other relevant family members? If so list their relationship with you here. Did you have any close friends? If so list the relationship with you here Significant Events1 Name one positive or neutral event that happened to you in your childhood. How did this affect you? Why/how did this happen? Name one positive, negative or neutral event that happened to you in your childhood. How did this affect you? Why/how did this happen? Name one negative or neutral event that happened to you in your childhood. How did this affect you? Why/how did this happen?

Teen/Young Adult Years: Name one positive or neutral event that happened to you in your teenage life. How did this affect you? Why/how did this happen? Name one negative or neutral event that happened to you in your teenage life. How did this affect you? Why/how did this happen? How have the major events in your childhood impacted your teenage life?

Adult Years: Name one positive, negative, or neutral thing that happened to you in your adult life. How have the major events in your life impacted your adult years?

What two events are the most significant? Why? (In Pathfinder try to find two Character Traits that best fit these events, and apply them to your Character Sheet.)

What one secret or quirky behaviour does your character have/exhibit?

What personality does your character have? Choose an Alignment to match this.

Based on your backstory, what Class would your character adopt? What caused your character to choose this class? (In Pathfinder be sure to look into class archetypes, as these can vastly improve your character dynamic)

Is your character religious? If so what Deity? What event in their life caused them to choose this particular god or goddess?

What Profession does your character have?

What does your character look like? Optional: Determine Age, Height, Weight, Hair, and Eyes. Also optional: Draw a picture or Google some photos.

Determine Ability Scores using whatever method approved by your GM. These should be based on your personality, build, and backstory.

Based on your Intelligence, Select languages that your character most likely would have encountered or wished to learn.

Does your character have plans for the future? What goals does your character have?

How has your character got to the place where they begin the adventure? Why did they go there?

Why does/will your character join a party of adventurers?

What are YOUR plans for your character? How will they develop? What will they do when joining a party of adventurers? What will they do when (X) happens? How will you use this character to have fun?

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