Chapter 15 - Date

Start from the beginning

(This is what a street food market looks like if you've never seen one)

"I've never been here before!" He said excitedly.

I pulled out my wallet happily. "It's on me pal."

Even though I said that, he refused to let me pay for him and even sneaked in a few pays for me. How annoying, we ate all different kinds of foods, we ate Korean dishes, Chinese dishes, tawainese, pretty much any dish in east south east Asia can be found in a street food market, there was even and Italian stall with fresh homemade meatballs!

"These are so good!" I yelled in Aomine's ear, it was loud all around us.

"They're kind of different than Japanese one's right?" He asked.

"Yeah not as sweet!"

Then we tried some Xiao Long Bao,(Chinese soup dumplings) and I swear the moment the soup popped in my mouth I saw heaven. (True story) I could hear the voices of deities ringing in my ears.

"Oh by Buddha, I've been enlightened." I said slowing turning my head towards Aomine who had a similar expression on his face, he just nodded in agreement.
"That was amazing." I said rubbing my belly.

"It was." Aomine said in agreement, we were both too full to converse, we silently agreed to sit on a park bench not far away from the vendors and let our stomachs digest.

"You want to come to my house for dinner?" He asked out of nowhere.

We literally just ate bro..

"Huh? Uh sure." I said.

He smiled.
"This is it." He said as we stood in front of a medium sized modern house, it was clean and expensive looking.

"Wow, you're rich"

"Far from it." He chuckled.
"Oh! Aomine you brought a girl home!!" A woman cooking said.

"Hello, my name is Sōdai Kessaku." I said bowing.

"Wow! What an auspicious name~ I'm Aomine's mother(not giving her a name or facial features), you're quite beautiful! How did you meet my bad tempered son?"

I giggled.

"Mom!" Aomine said embarrassed.

"Fufu, I'm just joking, Aomine show her around, she's welcome to stay for dinner! It won't be ready for a while."

Aomine nodded and took my hand walking down the hall, as we passed I stared at the pictures of baby Aomine on the walls, so cute!

He led me to his room which had an unatural amount of basketball shoes sitting on a tall shelf, it was tidier than I thought it would be and it smelt just like him, I took a big whiff and smiled.

"What?" Aomine said curiously.

"Oh, nothing-" I said sitting on his bed.

"Ahem, you shouldn't sit on a guys bed." Hesaid turning away.

"Why not? You sure made yourself comfortable in mine!" I was still salty about that...

"Well- that's a good point actually." He sat down in his desk chair, I got up to check out his shoes.

"Holy crap Daiki your feet are huge." I said holding up one of the shoes.

He burst out laughing. "That ain't the only thing that's hu-" I threw the shoe at him before he could finish that sentence.

"Ouch!" He yelled as it hit him in the forehead, he fell out of his chair and I started laughing.

"You're a sadist." he said lying on the ground, I shrugged my shoulders.

"You guys better not be getting naughty!" Aomine's mother said from the kitchen, I rubbed my temples in embarrassment, Aomine chuckled then whispered something under his breath.
"Dinner's ready now!" She yelled, we walked out and sat at the dinner table. There was a bunch of side dishes with the pork cutlet and rice as the main dish.

"Oh wow this looks amazing Mrs. Aomine!" I said taking in the smells.

"Fufu, Ms. Aomine will do."

I nodded, she prepared the plates and then we thanked for the food, it was so goood! There was a sunny side up egg served with the cutlet. The yolks golden flavor melted the meat, Aomine laughed at my reaction to his mother's cooking.

"So! Are you two dating yet?" She asked.

I choked on my cutlet and drank some water so I wouldn't die, Aomine coughed awkwardly.

"No I don't believe so." I said smiling.

"Aww why not?"

I laughed. "We're a bit young don't you think?"


"Mom, quit asking her awkward questions." Aomine said sighing.

"But this is the first girl you've ever brought home! Well, besides Satsuki of course~"

Am I really the first girl he's ever brought home? I blushed.


"Okay okay~"
"Ah, sorry about that." Aomine said, he took the liberty of walking me home after our dinner.

"No, it's okay." I said smiling.

"Sōdai." He said softly.

My heart began to beat, "Yeah?" I gulped.

He looked my firmly in the eyes and knelt down,     "I'll wait for you."  he said.

I was speechless, blushing like a strawberry-how embarrassing. His hair shown blue in the moonlight and his eyes reflected the light of my house like a fire deep within the ocean, I breathed out the cool nighttime air and nodded my head slightly.

He smirked and began walking back to his house, he really did live close to me.

I walked into my house and shut the door quietly behind me, I slid down and sat on the floor for a few minutes before gathering myself and going upstairs, Batsu peeked his head out of his door and smirked at me.

"Ooooooou, Sōdai's got a boyfriend." He mocked.

"What? When are you gonna go back to the states!" I yelled annoyed.

"Relaxxxx I'm going back in a week!"

"Mhm." I sat shutting my door on him,

I plopped into my bed, not bothering to change clothes.

"You'll wait for me huh."

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now