-Damn 0////0-

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What a display of strength.


Ayano slowly stood up, her hair a mess, the heel of her shoe dented, her arms bruised, the back of her shirt covered in blood and dirt.

Pushing her hair back, she walked away from the four men that writhed in pain on the concrete.

She walked home to get herself fixed up.


Osoro walked out of the building with Umeji in toe, he was slowly clapping with a smile of amusement on his face.

"Wow.." He said mockingly, kicking one of the guys in the gut, he groaned, "She really beat your asses.." Osoro chuckled.

Umeji slumped the guy that got knocked out over his shoulder.

"What do we do boss? That girl is wicked strong." Umeji asked, looking for orders.

"We wait." Osoro said quietly.

"What'd you say, Boss?" Umeji asked, not hearing what Osoro said.

Osoro paused, his face red and flustered. He looked at his right hand man, "We wait and see.."





Umeji was asking questions on how a single girl was able to beat four guys.

The guy that got knocked out, Gaku, was able to to give some answers.

He said, quote, "I don't know man, I thought she didn't hear me coming. She seemed so distracted with the others... -- When she turned towards the sound, she braced her back. She knew I was coming from the other side. I don't know how she knew. She just did."

"But how did she get you on the ground? She kicked you once." Umeji asked, truly curious.

"Well, I was hitting her with a metal pipe y'see. Blood was seeping through her shirt. When I was lifting my arms back up to hit her again, she suddenly turned and hit me in the gut. I don't know if you saw it, but she picked up the pipe and I think that's what she knocked me out with."

"Well, yeah. I saw that. But that explain how she beat you guys.." Umeji leaned back in his chair exhausted.

"Well.. I think I might know." Gaku stated, which made Umeji quickly sit back up.

"Go on.."

"Ok, so I only saw it for a moment. But when she turned to kick me, and I was on the ground.. I saw her face. She.." Gaku shivered. Not a good sign.

"She what?. You've gotta tell me. We can't go around with a loss to a girl. We need to know how to beat her." Umeji bartered.

"Ok! Ok.. Alright. It was her expression.." Gaku couldn't keep eye contact.

"Her expression." Umeji said unamused.

"Yes. Her face, it was --------------. It looked as of she had no soul. She didn't have any ----------, no fear, no anger. She was just blank." Gaku said quickly, some of it wasn't even coherent.

"So she didn't have a response." Umeji contemplated what was revealed to him. It didn't seem too important. So he sent Gaku back to his house to get some more rest.

Osoro walked in and sat across from his right hand man, he looked tired. 

"Damn Umeji, you look awful.. Here, take this." Osoro said jokingly, handing Umeji a hot cup of coffee. Which he promptly drank.

Male!Osoro x Ayano | Love Like RosesWhere stories live. Discover now