Chapter 8: Eddie

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I walk into Barry's Lab. "Hey Joe, Desk Sergeant said you were looking for me." I say. He probably has some analysis of Barry's he wants to show me.

"Eddie, yeah... Uh" Joe says, "Sit down."

I take a seat in the spinning chair he gestures to.

"It's about Iris. She's looking into Mason Bridge's disappearance. We can't let that happen."

All of the sudden there's a gust of wind behind me and a whoosh noise. I swivel around. THE FLASH IS HERE! At the station, and isn't trying to hide...?

"Detective." The Flash says. That voice it's sounds familiar. And it isn't disguised...? I look him over trying to read him. He's lifting off his mask! Why would he do that? He knows I don't approve of him. He's looking down. I think he's hesitant about revealing his identity to me. He slowly lifts his head.

'Barry. Barry is The Flash?! Wow. I did not see that coming. That explains a lot. The Flash visiting Iris, Barry always knowing the scene directly after getting there, but it doesn't explain why The Flash beat me up...' I think. I stand up in shock.

"Eddie, we, need your help" Joe says and Barry nods.

'I know my face probably looks like I'm frozen with my jaw open. But hey what am I supposed to think in this situation?'

They ask me to make sure Iris stops looking into Mason and to keep her out of danger. When I get home I don't know what do. How am supposed to keep all of this from Iris? Why did they tell me? What am I going to say to Iris?

A million different thoughts run through my head until I finally find something decent to say. I head over to the West/Allen household. Iris is watching the news.

"And The Flash has saved the citizens of Central City once again! The Flash has vanquished The Tricksters and they are currently locked up again, thanks to The Flash. Thank you, Flash, whoever you are." the newscaster says. I cannot believe that Joe and Barry asked me to keep such a big secret from Iris. I explain that Mason was seen at the airport heading to Brazil. Iris takes the remote and puts the news on mute. She sits back next to me on the couch.

'Good. It'll be easier to lie when I don't have to think about the fact that I'm keeping the identity of her favorite superhero from her.' I think to myself.

"Brazil? Why would Mason move to Brazil?" Iris asks.

"Apparently there was a girl involved. He decided to go hike the Amazon with her for a year. To you know, live off the grid. Write his memoirs or something," I lie. I hate lying to her, but it's for her protection, I guess.

"Wow. I guess you really don't know anyone." She says. As if the universe wanted to make it even harder for me, Barry enters with Joe.

"No, you don't." I say. I direct more towards Barry than to Iris.
'I cannot keep it together. First it's him on the news, then it's him in person. How can I keep something like this together. Pull it together Eddie. You're a cop. You can do this.' I tell myself.

"Hey baby. Everything good?" Joe says. Barry gives me a funny look. He sorta saying thanks, sorta saying I know this is hard but you can do it, sorta saying Yep I deserved that.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Dinner will be ready in a Jiff. Okay?" Iris says. I am so glad she didn't say in a Flash or I might have exploded. She gets up and I reach out to her arm as she walks into the kitchen. I hate that she left the three of us alone.

"She buy it?" Joe asks.

"I think so." I say.

"Keeping her in the dark, it's for her safety." Joe explains.

"That is debatable, and we will have that debate." I concur. We can't do this to her forever. And the longer we keep her out of this, the madder she will be when she finds out. "But for right now, what's our next move? How do we figure out what Wells is up to?"

"When Wells was talking me through phasing, so I could get The Trickster's bomb off my wrist, the way he described me being The Flash, running, feeling the wind and the power, it's like he was talking from experience." Barry explains.

"What are you saying?" Joe asks

"I don't know how, but he's the man in yellow. Harrison Wells is The Reverse-Flash." Barry states.

"Dinner!" Iris calls.

This is definitely the most awkward dinner I have had in my life. More awkward than any family reunion dinner. And that says something. I start just swirling my noodles on my fork and Iris starts scraping her spoon against her bowl. There are a lot of failed attempts to start conversations and no one makes eye contact.

"Barry, we need to talk." Iris says. They both get up and Iris leads him back into the living room. I really hate how much time they are spending together. Especially now that I know that Barry is her idol. She just doesn't know it yet.

(A/N I know this chapter may be very repetitive of the show for many of you, but I needed it to lead into the next few chapters, and for those who don't keep up with the show. Amelia will return soon. I hope you liked this)

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