Chapter 3: Amelia

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Amelia's POV

The waitress comes over to me. I order a cappuccino and await the blogger's arrival. I have butterflies. I feel like this meeting is the best course of action, but I feel like I could be risking the scarlet speedster's life. He's saved so many lives, and I don't want to ruin that for him. He's my hero. At least I'm not handing it to the police, that could truly risk his life. The waitress gave me my cappuccino. I set the envelop with the photos on the table.

"Are you Amelia?" I hear a woman's voice ask.

"Yes, are you the reporter?" I respond.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Iris it's good to see you. Can I get you anything?" The waitress asks.

"No, Tracy. I'm good thanks though. So glad to see you. Let's talk soon." She tells the waitress. Tracy smiles and walks off to another table. "So I understand you have something to show me?"

"I do, but I have a question first. If I told you the identity of The Streak aka The Flash, what would you do with it?" I ask.

"You know his identity?!! That's amazing! Well I would not post it, I would probably contact them and do an interview." She says.

"I have a picture of him and his co workers. No mask." I tell her.


"That doesn't matter, as long as I know they'll be safe... Here." I pass her the envelope. She opens it and takes out the photos.

She grimaces. She stares at it for a few seconds with disapproval. "Barry?"

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