Prologue 1.1

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"Is this how I died? I, Did I ever do you wrong? Did I, Did I ever do anything I wanted to do? How pitiful I am. It's so dark, cold, and lonely down here. Will somebody even find my corpse here? Ha, if I could just turn back time..."

"What would you do if you have a second chance?"

"...If I have a second chance... then I would pick things differently"

With that, he closes his eyes and waits patiently for his death.

"Hello, this is the KNS, an abbreviation for Korean News Station. Anyway, today we have a piece of interesting news to deliver to you all. A body was found in the Han River at 3:15 am today. This body is none other than a former popular idol member of Crimson Gad. Yes, that's right. This body belongs to Han Ji-sung. But why did he suicide? Was it because of his scandals or because he disagreed with his partner? However, didn't the two seems to get along well lately? Perhaps I'm just imagining things. Anyway, this is all for today, Thank you all for listening. Peace out."

After the news of Han Jisung, nobody except Hyunjin attend Jisung's funeral.

"If only you did better, then maybe it wouldn't have ended like this," said Hyunjin with a sign


"Han Jisung wakes up or you will be stuck as a trainee for all your life!!!!!~~~"

I wake up with a start, wait... wake up? didn't I die? Then, was it all a terrible nightmare? But it felt too real to be a dream! What is going on?

Suddenly I heard a door being kicked open.

"Han Jisung! You sure you wanna keep sleeping?! If you want to keep sleeping, get out of this company and go home!"

Wait...that looks like Ms. Suihee, but didn't she have short hair? How come it's long right now? The only time her hair was ever long was when she was 32. Wait, 32?! Did I, did I perhaps travel back in time?!

"Oh, I'm sorry. But may I ask what years, months, and date is today?"

"Yes you may"


Sigh "Today is October the fifth 2015. Get ready cause today is the day we'll be assessing you."

However, I couldn't hear any more of her words as a voice echoed into my head.

"What would you do if you have a second chance?"

Did I really travel back in time to fix my mistakes? If so, then-

"Han Jisung!"

I couldn't hear what she said as my mind begin to cloud and my eyes slowly feel tired.


"Ugh, my head hurts"

"Of course your head is going to hurt, you idiot! Do you know how long you've slept for?"

"How long?" I ask as I begin to sit up

"A long freaking hours of 120."

"What the?! 120 hours?!

"Yes," said Hyunjin with a solemn expression

"Umm... so... how long is 120 in days?"

Hyunjin stared at me for quite some time and finally decide to tell me, "Do your math"

...Didn't I ask him nicely? why couldn't he return the favor?

"I don't know math" I replied with an embarrassed expression

"I don't care! you do the math!"

"But aren't you smarter?"

"I've never said I was smart in math"

"But you're older than me"

"Only by months"

"You're older, so you should know"

"Old or young, it doesn't matter. Even kids younger than you know how to add and subtract."


Aish, this bastard really likes to get on my nerves.

"What? isn't this the way you always speak?"

I'm speechless

Suddenly the door open

"What seems to be the problem here?" Ms. Suihee asked as she look around, As she saw me, she ask the same question as this bastard, "Jisung! do you know how long you've been asleep?"

"120 hours" I reply gloomily

"At least you know," said Ms. Suihee as she roll her eyes

" how many days have I been asleep for?"

Suddenly, she smiles and replies "Why don't you do the math and tell me?"

I think I heard this sentence before

" know I don't know math"

"Even little kids know how to add and subtract" she replied

Ah! Now I know where I had heard these ridiculous sentences, It was oddly similar to what Hyunjin said to me! These two! did they plan all these?

"Just tell me"

"What is 24 + 24?" she asks

I think for a moment then answered, "...Ummm forty... forty-eight?"

"right, so what is 24 + 48?" she asks again

"umm... 8 + 4 is 12, 4 + 2 = 6, so... 72??" I said uncertainly

"whoa, you're getting smart. what is 72 + 24?"

They really like to get on my nerve.

"I quit school for a reason" I answer

"what's the reason?" she asks

she thinks she has me at the corner? huh, think again

"The reason is the reason" I replied

"You know... you could have just got a calculator and divided 120 divided by 24 and you'll get your answer," said Hyunjin with his eyes rolling to the ceiling.

What's so interesting about the ceiling that you have to roll your eyes for it?

"This jerk, you guys could have told me!"

"Well, I just wanted to see how smart you were," said Hyunjin with a hint of a smile

"right, well, this shows us you're really smart. Fighting!" said Ms. Suihee as she laugh along with Hyunjin

I was left dumbfounded. How dare they.


So I've been asleep for 5 days it seems. Ha, doesn't matter. But I should start planning to catch him. Aish, unfortunately, I can't remember his face. However, don't worry sooner or later you'll regret killing me whether you've remembered killing me or not. Wait for me.

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