Chapter 16

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I woke up to noises coming from around us.
I slowly opened my eyes and realized that we are in the living room.
Looking up, I saw the twins and Jarnie drinking coffee in the kitchen while trying to be quiet.

There is like a window thingy between the kitchen and the living room, so anyone can see in both rooms at the same time. That way, if one is cooking and another is watching TV, they can still see and talk to each other.

I placed my head back on Lizzie and slowly woke her up by kissing her neck.
Me: Baby..... Lizzie.... Elizabeth....
L: Mhmmm....
Me: Baby, we have to get up. Everyone is already awake....
L: Noooo.... I want cuddles and kisses this morning....
A: Well, you're not getting any. Get up asshole.....

With that, Lizzie realized we were not alone and opened her eyes completely.
L: Do you mind?! We just woke up!!
A: Hurry up!!! I'm making you guys coffee.....

L: Why did you tell them to stay over baby.... We could've been doing other things right now.....
Lizzie said sleepily, pulling me closer to her and kissing my neck.

Me: Come on love.... Your mom is literally right there.... I can't do that with her here....
L: Ughhh.... Fine.... I want kisses though....
Me: Of course..... As soon as we go somewhere private.
L: Come on... Just 1 kiss..... Please. Please. Pleaseeee......

I looked around and saw that no one was watching us, so I leaned back down and kissed her passionately....
After a minute, we were lost in each other's touch but came back to reality when Ashley started yelling at us.
A: Come on guys!! It's 7 in the morning!!
Me: It's what?! Then why are you guys awake?! I thought it was like 10 or 11. Go back to bed.....
MK: We usually wake up at 5 am every morning. So, today was a late start.
Me: You guys are weird.... If I didn't have work, I won't get out of bed...
MK: And you, my friend, need therapy... (She said laughing)

I just flipped her off and we headed into the kitchen where everyone was seated.
Ashley gave us our coffees and we sat there drinking.
L: So babe?
Me: Yes love?
L: Got any plans for today?
Me: Actually, yes. MK, Ash and I are going shopping.
L: What? Without me?
MK: You go and have fun with mom.
A: We'll take good care of her. Don't worry...
L: Ok... Be safe love.....
Me: I will. Don't worry.

After getting ready, Lizzie and Jarnie left and I texted Scar that we're on our way, because she was going to come with us. 

We then picked her up and started our shopping.
This was going to be a long ass day and I can't wait for it.

Sooo.... The day is finally over....

We got everything we need. We got a beautiful promise ring, a jewelry set with a necklace, bracelet and earrings, and I also got her a beautiful diamond encrusted bracelet that was matching with mine, since she always admires it.
We then got the tickets for the trip and printed them out, so that I can give it to her and afterwards, got everything for the basket type thing that I'm doing....
Actually, it turned out bigger than I had expected but whatever.

I got her everything I could think of. I got her candles, purses, her favorite snacks, chips, candy, crystals, fuzzy socks, books that she wanted, teddy bears, and I mean huge teddy bears... Like 7 feet tall teddy bears..... and a lot of other smaller gifts.
We then dropped everything off at Scar's place, because I had also arranged for the stuff to be taken before us to Spain and the gifts would be placed in our room. My house keeper was also bringing people over to decorate the house in roses, flowers, balloons and rose petals. I just hope everything goes according to plan.

I think everything is ready. I spent a total of 1.7 million on this trip so far and we haven't gotten there yet. 
I transferred another million to MK yesterday, and I still have about 300k left in her balance.
I mean..... It is close to the budget, right?........ Technically!! I haven't spent anything yet. My good friend MK needed some money and I lent her some. I still haven't spent anything from the budget.............. Naahhhhhh.......... I'm not even buying that.............

Y/N × Elizabeth Olsenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن