Chapter 13

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Harry and Louis stare at the nurse, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Neither of them react at first, but then a small sob is heard echoing though the room. Harry covers his mouth with his hand as tears start streaming down his cheeks. He's pregnant. He's got his and Louis' pup inside him, completely reliant on him to grow and care for.

Louis quickly wraps his arms around Harry as he tears up himself. "Oh my god babe."

"We're having a baby Lou." Harry sobs, hugging him tight. They can still hear their babies heartbeat, the most beautiful sound they've ever heard, ringing throughout the room.

"Would you like to see them?" The nurse asks, and they both nod quickly.

She moves the screen so it's facing the couple, and even more tears fall as they look at their baby for the first time.

"Lou, look- look at them." Harry stutters to get out between sobs.

"I know sweetheart, they're beautiful already." Louis wipes under his own eyes.

The nurse smiles widely at them. "It looks like your around 6 and a half weeks along. They're healthy as, so that's good. Congratulations to you both. Would you like me to print some photos out?"

"Thank you, and yes please." Harry nods and the nurse leaves the room to get them.

"Alpha, we're having a baby. A pup." Harry looks up at Louis and a massive smile takes over his face.

"I know Omega, I love you so much petal." Louis leans down and kisses him. The nurse walks back into the room.

"Here you are boys, I printed a few out for you. Now Harry, here's some pamphlets on what to expect and do throughout your pregnancy. I'd also suggest getting a few pregnancy books and talking to mothers around the pack. And here's a script to the multivitamins you need to take everyday, you can pick them up out the front." The nurse tells them, handing Harry the things.

"Thank you so much Joe." Louis goes over and gives her a hug. He's known her since he was only a little pup, having his mum working with her. She hugs him back just as tight.

"Your welcome Louis, and Harry, congratulations and take care." He pulls her into a brief hug before they're on their way.


Later that night Louis and Harry are in their bed, both of their hands of Harry's belly.

"I can't believe it Lou, there's a pup in here. A baby that's completely ours." Harry says softly.

"I know it's...I don't even think my mind's registered it yet."

Harry hesitates before asking, "Your not...mad? Are you?"

Louis leans up on one elbow at look at Harry, frowning. "No, why would I be mad?"

"Because, you've said before how your not ready for a pup yet and now I'm pregnant."

"Harry, I told you this a million times before you were pregnant and I'll tell you a million times more. If your ever fell pregnant I'd love the pup and you unconditionally. Which I already do. I can't wait to start a family with the most precious omega in the world." Louis rests his forehead on Harry's.

Harry smiles and leans in to give him a kiss. "I love you alpha." He whispers.

"And I love you more." Louis gets down so his face is level with Harry's belly. "Hey baby, it's your daddy here. You gave us quite a scare with making your mummy sick like that, but we forgive you." He smirks up at Harry when he hears Harry giggle. "We love you very much, little sunshine, and we can't wait to meet you. But when your ready, we don't want you popping out early." This time, Harry laughs as he threads his fingers in Louis' hair. "Be good for your mum, I love you so much pup." He gives Harry's tummy a gentle kiss before leaning up to give Harry one. "Get some sleep baby, I'm pretty sure this little one is gonna be cheeky and not listen to be about being good."

Harry giggles. "If they're anything like you."

"Hey! You little shit." Louis smiles at him.

Harry smiles back as he moves closer to him, fitting himself against Louis' chest. Louis wraps his arms around the omega, hand layed protectively over his stomach.

Harry falls asleep pretty quickly, but Louis can't. There's no many thoughts running around his head, too many emotions. He can't believe today even happened, that Harry's really pregnant with his baby, his pup. It feels like he's in a dream. He can't wait to watch Harry's belly grow bigger and bigger as the months go on, knowing their baby is safe and healthy. He can't wait to hold them, to raise them with so much love and acceptance with Harry. They're baby's going to be the luckiest little pup alive. They'll be so spoilt, but not bratty. They'll know how lucky they are to be that fortune and privileged. They'll be caring and will grow up a sweetheart, just like Harry. He imagines them having Harrys curls, but they'll be chestnut just like his hair. They'll have blue eyes and the cutest little dimples adoring their chubby cheeks. He just can't wait for this journey.

But then there's negative thoughts. They're still so young. Harry's not even an adult and he's barley one himself. Now they have a whole other life in their hands to take care of, all their responsibility. And it's scary. All omegas can get pregnant no matter what gender, but male ones are a little bit more risky. What if something goes wrong? What if Harry or their pup gets hurt or worse? Louis doesn't even wanna think about it, but he has too. Because that could be their future, and the thought alone makes him feel sick. Plus, he and Harry only just became Head Alpha and Luna. They have basically two whole packs to take care of and are in charge of. And he can barely do that right, just look what happened to Harry with the rogues. He can't let anything like that happen again, to harry or his baby.

He takes a deep breath. Stressing about it is pointless, he needs to calm down. Beneath his hand he can feel Harry's heart beating at a steady rhythm and the slight curve of his tummy that neither of them noticed before. Louis feels a wave of possessiveness wash over him. They're safe, both of them are with him. And he's gonna keep it that way, no matter what happens. He swears on his life that he will always protect his new little family. Always.

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