Chapter 6

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Today's the day. Louis' time to become head Alpha. And he's proper shitting himself.

"Calm down will you? You'll be fine." Liam tell him while getting ready. Louis' wearing the packs traditional outfit every head alpha before him wore to their ceremony.

"Mate, I can't do this. Fuck I can't do this!"

"Yes you can! You need to chill the fuck out. If anyone can be head alpha, it's you."

"But what if I just can't!? This is a massive role. And now that the packs have joined there's so many more people to-"

"Louis! Your gonna give yourself a panic attack if you don't calm your tits mate. Everything is gonna be fine. You have all of us, your family, Harry. Your gonna have your omega by your side to keep you grounded. Everything's gonna be fine, alright?" Liam tells him firmly, looking him in the eye with his hands on his shoulders.

Louis takes a few deep breathes to calm himself down. Liam's right. He needs to calm the fuck down. "Okay, your right."

Liam smiles. "Good mate. Now, we need to go find Harry then get out there, the ceremony's about to begin."

They walk into another room where Harry's currently getting ready and knocks on the door.

"Come in!"

They open the door and Louis' breath hitches at the sight in front of him. Harry's absolutely stunning.

Harry blushes under Louis' intense gaze. "Do I look okay?" He asks shyly.

"Baby, you look absolutely stunning." Louis breaths out.

"Thank you." Harry smiles, going over to give him a hug.

"Hello to you too."

Harry jumps at the sound of Liam's voice. He turns around to look at him. "Oh sorry Liam, I didn't see ya there mate. How are ya?" He gives him a hug as well.

Liam chuckles. "Nah all good bud. I'm pretty good, you?"

"I'm okay, pretty nervous."

"Oh god not another one. Louis you can handle this."

"Oi! Fuck off dickhead."


The ceremony is being helt at massive clearing in the woods. There's many chairs set up in front of a wooden stand where the pack members are currently sitting. On the stand is Louis and his parents, Harry off to the side. In front of them is a small table holding a knife with gems embedded the handle and a wooden candle holder with carvings on it. The full moonlight shines down on them, creating a soft glow.

(^^^^ Imagion this but with a carving of a wolf howling at the moon)

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(^^^^ Imagion this but with a carving of a wolf howling at the moon)

(^^^^ Imagion this but with a carving of a wolf howling at the moon)

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In The Middle Of The Night, When The Wolves Come OutWhere stories live. Discover now