Favorite Choker

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In order to not write another Fitz x reader I wrote another Kryoz x reader... I am deeply sorry but he's just so pretty and his hands are... also pretty 👀 enjoy 🥰

TwitchCon was always really fun. Getting to meet up with friends again or for the first time and getting to meet fans and such was always heartwarming. The only downside was my social meter draining considerably while being constantly surrounded by people. As the day progressed further I had grown very quiet and stuck by my boyfriend's side, I always had a hold of him in some way to ease my nerves a bit. We had just eaten with a massive group of our friends, I had gained just a bit of energy back while eating. No one really thought anything of my quietness, John would check on me occasionally. He always tried making sure I was comfortable, sometimes he'd just squeeze my hand the slightest bit to reassure me. It was very sweet. After dinner we had decided to walk back to our hotel, we bid our goodbyes to those who needed rides to their hotels or Airbnbs. Finally we'd be away from other humans soon.

My fingers were interlocked with John's as we walked on the sidewalk with our remaining friends. I was in my own world honestly. All I could focus on were the cool metal rings on his fingers and how they contrasted with the warmth of his palm. A small smile was permanently placed on my lips as I thought about how pretty John is. My thumb had started rubbing on the back of his hand absentmindedly, my cheeks had started to heat up slightly. My eyes were trained on his hand, what I could see of it at least. I always forget how big his hands are, how they can completely engulf my own. My observation of his knuckles was cut short when he let go of my hand. What? Why'd he do that? I looked up at him confused, only to see that he was holding the heavy glass door to our hotel open for me. My small smile returns and I nod my head once, "Thank you." It was a meer squeak as I walked past him, he was smiling down at me.

Everyone piled into the elevator, the conversation that I was still not a part of continuing. John hadn't grabbed my hand again so I had decided to space out while playing with his hand. I lightly brushed my fingers down his palm and knuckles, moving my feather-like touch to his fingers. Examining the familiar rings and his perfectly polished nails. The pads of my fingers pressing flat against the pads of his own fingers. The tiniest chuckle left my lips and without giving much thought I whispered, "My favorite choker." I honestly wasn't sure if I had said that out loud or if it was a thought that crossed my mind, I had definitely meant for it to be a simple thought. Given the fact that John started laughing hysterically I would bet that I had indeed said it out loud. Everyone turned to him, giving a confused look while I stared at my feet. My face had to be completely red at this point.

Jaren is the first to speak up, "What's so funny...?" A small chuckle accompanying the question. John was still laughing, it wasn't even that funny. It certainly wasn't original, so why was he still laughing? My face just kept growing hotter and hotter. He tried talking through his laughter, saying it was nothing but he couldn't stop his giggling fit for long enough to say anything that was coherent. "What's he laughing at, (Y/N)?" I looked up sheepishly to see everyone was staring at me now, my face had to be a new shade of red. I shrug, "I have no clue..." Jaren started to nod slowly, suspiciously. John's laughing fit had finally subsided, "I was just thinking about a meme (Y/N) sent me the other day." Everyone was still very suspicious but shrugged it off.

The elevator came to a stop quickly after all of that embarrassment. We all walked into the hallway, I knew we weren't all on the same floor so I'm assuming they were going to chill in Jaren's room. John and I said our goodbyes and walked into our own room, I sigh as the door shuts. All I hear come from my boyfriend is more laughter, I could feel my face heat up again. Dickhead. It didn't last very long though, he wrapped his arms around my waist and turned his hysterics into light chuckles. He lightly presses his face against the top of my head, I was still blushing in quiet... anger? Embarrassment? I really couldn't tell anymore. "You shouldn't say things like that in front of people." John mumbles into my hair. I sigh, "I didn't mean to..." he starts chuckling again. Almost reluctantly, I turn around and face him. He had that cute smile playing at his features, it made me smile sheepishly. My cheeks were probably stained red at this point, the heat really never went away. Especially when he bent down and placed a sweet peck on my lips. John giggled, "You're just so cute." I bury my face in his chest and squeal happily. Another quick squeal slips past my lips as I'm picked up, I start giggling profusely as I'm carried to the bed. "Now, how about we put your favorite chokers to good use."

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