Chapter 2 Analia's P.O.V.

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I was exhausted and sweating. My feet hurt from all the walking I was doing and my back was sore from carrying my little belongings.

To top it off I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was that I needed to go far. Far from my problems, far from my suffering, far from my pain, far from my father.

I was tired of the abuse, screaming, and being forced to do things I didn't want to do. I held it in for so long that I ended up exploding inside and running away.

  I know I had promised my mother when she passed away that I would take care of him, but I couldn't handle it anymore.

I had to escape.

All I wanted to do now was to get a job, and earn enough money for college. If I had an education and a diploma I could be able to become a professional and succeed in life.

My feet finally come to a stop. I found myself in front of a huge mansion.

It was gorgeous, beautiful, and just amazing in all ways.

It had a garden around it with a variety of flowers. A porch, along with jeeps parked in the big private parking lot.

Strong shiny gates protecting the whole construction. Known as the Richardson Home, one of the richest families known to this neighborhood, as written in large bold letters on the gates.

I dropped the bag I had on my back and fell to my knees for rest. I knew that this was my opportunity to get a job.

It had to be. I stood up bringing my bag along with me. Confidently my hand rings the bell. Then I wait patiently for someone to open the gate and receive me.

As I hear footsteps I stand up straighter and give my best smile.

The gates slowly opened.

A tall guard with a gun on his side and a women who appeared to be around her late 40's to early 50's come out to receive me.

She had short dark brown hair, a great body, dark brown eyes, and a warm smile across her face.

She looked pretty good for her age to be honest. And she sure knew how to dress.

"How may I help you dear?" she asked me sweetly.

"Uh.....well hi, I would like to speak to the owner of this house." I reply nervously.

"Well you're looking at her." She retorts.

"My apologies." I speak softly a bit embarrassed. She lets out a soft laugh.

"It's fine darling, call me Mrs.Richardson." She suggests. I nod.

"Mrs.Richardson. It is very nice to meet you, I was wondering if you could be so kind and offer me a job here until I can earn enough money and leave. You see I have nowhere else to go and I'm not so familiar with this area, so I'm hoping you can help me out with a job and a place to sleep. Or at least another location where I can find shelter." I explain. She smiles.

"You're in luck. I need one more maid working here and you seem to be the perfect young lady." she explains gladly making my face light up.

"So that means I get the job?" I ask in disbelief. She nods. Wow!

"Thank you so much Mrs.Richardson you won't ever regret hiring me!" I assure excitedly jumping towards her about to hug her.

I quickly calm myself in time before I did anything to ruin my chances of working here.

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