He places his large hand on your knee and pushed down, anchoring you in place. "Oi, what's wrong? You're shakin the whole damn bench."

"I'm just nervous Katsuki. Apparently I'm growing a baby inside me and it's just really starting to set in."

"Our baby."

"What was that?"

"You're growing our baby."

Easing your nerves, you lean your head on Bakugou's shoulder. He makes sure to give your shoulders a quick squeeze when he puts arm around you and kisses your forehead.

"Bakugou?," a nurse in pink scrubs asks.

"Yes?," you and Bakugou answer in unison.

"You all can follow me!," she says opening the door for you two. "Im assuming your the father?," she asks Bakugou.

"I damn better be," he snorts out earning a harsh glare from you and a smack on the arm.

"Yes, sadly he is," you answer for him.

"Great! Just come on in to this room and sit down." She opens the door to an exam room with a small bed and ultra sound machine. "Ready to answer some questions?"

"I guess so," you laugh out when you sit down on the edge of the bed. Bakugou can tell your nervous so he puts his hand back on your knee.

"Alrightie! So is this your first?"

"Yes mam."

"Ok and do you know how far along you are?"

"When I went to the hospital a week ago they said 6 weeks, so I guess 7 now."

"Ok you all hang tight! Im gonna go get stuff to run some tests before you meet the doctor!"

Less than 10 minutes later, she returns with a small tray with a few empty vials and a needle.

"Oh god no! No needles!," you screamed.

"Oi, quit being a big baby," Bakugou laughed at you.

"Ms. Y/n it will only be for a second. We just want to make sure you're healthy so baby is healthy," she said trying to grab your reluctant arm.

"Do you have to take my blood though?," you complained.

"I'm sorry sweets, but welcome to motherhood. You're gonna have to do this a lot, plus you don't even want to see the needle when you get your epidural," the nurse says.

"What the hell is an epidural?!," you scream out. Bakugou could hold back his chuckles now at how frazzled you were. You looked like a scared cat at the vet.

"How about this, I take some of your blood for the tests and then I'll let Dr.Nozuno explain everything else?"

You sighed out and sling out your arm for her to grab. "Fine."

She sterilized the skin on your forearm before she wrapped a tourniquet on your bicep. She pushed around on your skin before finding the vein she liked. "Ok you ready? 1...2... and done!," she said as she slid the small needle into your arm.

You winced at the sudden pain but Bakugou pat your thigh to distract you. After the nurse filled up the vials with your blood, she put a cotton ball on the puncture would and wrapped it with a piece of medical tape.

"I'm going to go run this, but Dr.Nozuno should be with you all very soon!"

She left leaving you and Bakugou alone. "You have gotta get over this fear of doctors," Bakugou laughed out.

"It's not funny!"

"No it's not, you're a grown ass woman, and like she said, if we want to make sure he is doing good, you gotta suck it up!," he said pointing to your still flat belly.

"We don't even know if it's a boy Kat."

"I know my damn son!"

A soft knock on the door stops your alls bickering when a young woman with glasses walks in. She was wearing pink scrubs too, but she had a white doctors coat over it.

"Hi there! I'm Dr. Chiho Nozuno! I'm going to be your obgyn throughout this whole process. And you all must be...," she looks down to her clipboard, "y/n and Katsuki!"

You introduce yourself back while Bakugou just leans back in the chair.

"Alright let's have a looksie!," she says as she gets you to lie on your back. She pulls your shirt up enough to keep it from getting gel on it. When the cold liquid hits your skin, you wince again. Dr.Nozuno turns on the Ultrasound machine and pulls the camera towards your skin.

At first you can't see anything. All it looks like is an empty screen but then the faint shape of an embryo pops up on the screen. "Ah theyre they are!," she says pointing to the screen.

"Katsuki look! It's our baby!," you say to him.

"Where's the baby?," he says squinting at the screen.

Dr.Nozuno adjusts the camera for a better angle to show it a little clearer. "Right here."

"That's just a circle? Where's its arms and legs?"

"You actually won't be able to see that for a little bit longer. Y/n is still pretty early on in her pregnancy. But the baby should have a pretty clear heartbeat now, do you want to hear it?"

"Yes please!," you say holding your chest.

She changes to a different machine and starts moving it around to find the babies heartbeat.

The sound of a quick thumping is the only thing that can be heard in the room.

"Now that's your baby," Dr.Nozuno says to Bakugou.

He has the smallest smile on his face as he listens to the sound of his little ones heart beat. It was so strong for something so little.

"That's amazing! Kat did you heart it!," you asked him to get his attention.

As much as tried to hide it, you could hear the smallest wobble in his voice from his emotions when he grabs your hand and says, "yeah, yeah I did babe."

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