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Some days had passed and Robin was still not in sight.

Kid Flash got kinda worried, it was not like Robin to be out for so long

with out telling Wally first.

Wally decided to do what he wasn't allowed to.

Go to the Wayne Manor.

Both Batman and Bruce, disallowed him to go even near Gotham,

let alone his cave.

Bruce dislikes Wally, for many reasons.

But now it didn't matter...Dick is what was what was most important now.


I knocked slightly on the door, my hands were sweating.

A few minutes later the door opened, reviling the british butler.

"Hiiii!..." I said shifting slightly from foot to foot.

"Good evening, Young Mister West. What brings you here? I'm pretty sure Master Bruce

refused from you coming to the Wayne Manor." The butler said in a calm voice.

I avoided eye contact for a little longer.

Get your self together 'you fucking disgrace'.

I stood straight, with face.

"Where is Dick?" I didn't want to beat around the bush, there was no time for it, he could be in danger.

"I'm afraid that Master Bru-" I cut him off.

"I do't care! I just want to know if he's okey! He was absent for like a week now!" I yelled.

I took a step back.

Was I in trouble? 

What if the bat heard me?


"I'm sorry.." I quickly said.

"He just wasn't answering the phone... And I know that he isn't somewhere else!

He would at least cancel our plans." He would right? Maybe I am the one missing something.

"You and Master Dick had plans? Master Bruce dis-" I cut him of again.

"I'm sorry sir! But now the only thing is.. Is Dick alright?" I said taking a few steps forward to

show that i'm serious, but backed up just a second after.

The butler was scary in his own way. 

"Is Master Dick alright? It is really hard to tell..." Alfred replied, I think there was a hint of sadness, or maybe worry, in his voice.

I showed right past him, using my super speed so he wouldn't be able to catch me as easily.

I searched the whole manor, founding nothing.

There's one place i didn't search...

I'm going to be so dead! Hope it pays of at least...

I ran the stairs to the bat cave. 

Rob give me a code sometime ago, but neither of us told anyone.

I searched the cave stopping in the med bay.

On one of the beds i saw someone really familiar to me.



I don't do those often, but i need to know, what are your ships whoever reads this,

so i know if to make the book shipless or but some i like :)'

have a nice dight anyone and everyone ^w^

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