Something had to happen eventually, what with so many kids and so many quirks that came into contact with it on a daily basis.

It was an after school test of sorts. Shinsou and Kaminari were the ones to propose the idea of seeing exactly where Izuku could wander and how far his access to the school could stretch, and when Izuku admitted he had never tried to leave the classroom before out of nerves, he was convinced into trying it out.

With a supervising Aizawa working on papers at his desk, the students slowly left the classroom with the EMF, starting from outside of the doorway. With the device clutched in his hand, Bakugo checked in, and when a fuzzy Stįl̛l̡ ̧h̵e͞re͘! would come through the recording in response the large group would push farther out into the building. They stretched out into the hallway, down the hall, and down the steps, and only then did they get no response from Izuku. They walked back up the stairs and checked in, Izuku greeted them sheepishly, explaining how i̕t̶ ͞ẃas ͘a ̴tu҉ggi͟n͘g̨ f͠èęli̸ng̀ ͝in͢ ̕my͟ t̵ummy,͞ I c̛óu̡lḑn't ̷walķ! , so they pressed onwards, avoiding the floor below.

Much to Izuku's joy, they discovered that he had free rein of the entire floor. As long as he didn't go down a floor - later they learned up wasn't possible either - then he was free to wander. They began their long trek back across the building, letting Izuku ramble in excitement to them via the EMF, stopping him to pause and listen every once in a while. Iida and Yaoyorozu took it upon themselves to point out certain rooms Izuku might find interesting or would enjoy. The staff room happened to be on their floor - Kirishima and Kaminari not-so-subtly asked Izuku to share anything he heard in there - as well as the school library. The trip back was peaceful, uneventful.

When they arrived at 1-A, however, a figure blocked their path inside. It was Monoma, a smug grin painted on his features and his standard pompous air radiated around him.

The second he caught sight of the EMF, his usual taunts were silenced for a little more...personal ones. So self indulgent, he mocked, pointing to the little machine in Bakugo's careful hands. Class 1-A basking in the fact that their own classroom is a curse. Just another reason Class 1-B is so much better - at least we aren't haunted.

The large group as a whole bristled angrily, staring death glares at the smug blonde as he walked past. They began to walk as well, sneers and scowls on their faces as they grumbled to themselves. Just as they crossed, Monoma managed to catch his fellow blonde off guard and rip the EMF out of Bakugo's grip, and he backed away quickly as alarmed shouts and panicked expressions spurred him on. He held it close to his face, making a show of inspecting it and ignoring Kirishima desperately holding a furious Bakugo back.

A toy, Monoma dismissed with a scoff, and chucked the thing behind him. It cracked against the ground, the noise echoing around the suddenly very quiet hallway, and the antenna snapped apart from the mechanism, the soft whirring of the machine fizzling away and dying as something inside of it was dislodged.

There was a moment of total stillness. A calm before the storm, and the storm was Bakugo.

An enraged roar bounced off of the walls. One blast to a distracted Kirishima's side was enough to dislodge the redhead, and Bakugo ran over to Monoma with pounding footsteps, full-on mini explosions popping and crackling in his palms. Monoma turned as white as a sheet, then he turned tail and ran as fast as he was able. The class watched him go, glancing at each other in a silent question as they disappeared around the corner: should we stop him?

The Hero Course didn't move for a moment, most of them figuring no, they shouldn't, but then Iida volunteered to chase after the two - whose footsteps had now been traded with the smell of gunpowder and Monoma's pain-filled shouts - and sped off.

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