Mii-chan was really interested in American universities, I get the feeling if she gets to graduate from Class A she wants to go to a top American university. Since I was in college before I was sent here I could answer almost all of her questions about them, I was right to choose her as the girl make my pawn. If I was trying to help the class directly or behind the scenes she would be one of the worse choices because she tries to be invisible unless she is around Hirata, but for me that is fine. Her shy and innocent nature will work well for me, being unassuming is what I am looking for.

With that I have established my main force for now, Ike and Sotomura are acquainted but they are completely removed from me mostly and completely from Mii-chan. That way if something happens in the class poll event for instance I have a wide net to get information from.

I also need to get into contact with Horikita and Ayanokoji because I will need to use her a cover for the zodiac exam. With so many private points up for grabs I plan to reap the rewards, and I will need to act while pretending to be under her command.

It was been some more time and I think the Sudo incident is going to happen soon, I have some more time since now I am not being tutored anymore. Sae-sensei visibly wished I paid for a third month but I don't have the fund for it even if I want to, she definitely has some attachment to me now, whether it is love or not is whatever at this point. I know she is on my side so for now that is more than enough, if things change I can always start hanging around her again.

Since I knew the Class C would provoke him soon I have been coming to his basketball club practices under the pretense of watching my favorite sport. I would sometimes video parts of the practice and send Sudo some of his more impressive slips, if I was honest I know in the book it said that he was a good guy that was scary looking but he is a lot kinder than I thought.

To be honest I am slightly bored, I have made detailed plans for all the special exams for the first year and now I don't have much to do, I even accounted for likely changed from cannon I thought of.

Maybe I can use this trial for some entertainment in my monotonous life, well other then what I do with Fuka.

Finally after almost a week I saw the three Class C students leading Sudo away, I made sure to make it look like I had been recording other people that we still practicing and barley show them for a few seconds leading him away. It isn't conclusive but if I showed this in the trial it would a massive hit to Class C's credibility.

As soon as they left I quickly ran over to the special building and hit in one of the classrooms near where it would happen.

Thankfully they didn't run here and took their time to get here, I was able to record the entire thing without getting noticed. I will only use it if absolutely needed, it is better to be safe than sorry so getting it is good.

Like what was expected a few days later when the month turned over we got no points again, this time for another reason.

Everything went like the book and the next day sensei announced the entire thing to the class, people were really mad at Sudo and he claimed self-defense. Like the book sensei asked for witnesses but I didn't raise my hand, after more arguing Sudo said what I was expecting.

"Alex, you were watching our practice that day, right? You saw those guys leading me somewhere afterwards right?"

Everyone was looking at me expectingly, I still really hate crowds and large gatherings, I feel my skin crawling from so many gazes. I replied with what I saw.

"Yeah, when you were leaving I saw you guys talking and they you left together. Since they were in front of you I would think they lead you somewhere, at least it wasn't you who led them anywhere. I don't know how helpful that is since I didn't see the fight though."

"That should be enough right if they lead me there that means it is their fault! They attacked me, I only defended myself."

Horikita was the one who answered that question.

"Although what Alex-kun is helpful and helps us believe your story much more it wont be enough to prove your innocence to the school. All that his testimony proves is that you didn't premeditatedly bring them there to beat them up, if worse comes to worse that should lessen your punishment. Without another witness who saw the fight we can't really prove anything, if they brought you their and you beat them up it is only slightly better than if you brought them there. None of this deals with the main issue at hand anyway."

After that Horikita left the class, everyone else grouped up to look for another witness. Since they decided that Sudo shouldn't come with them I decided to walk up to him.

"Hey Sudo, I'm sure the other will come up with something to help you. I will testify to what I saw for you, it might not be enough but I will try my best."

Although Sudo was clearly mad he tried to be calm when he talked to me the best he could.

"Thanks man, I know you aren't good with crowds and attention so it means a lot you would do that for me."

"No problem, we are friends after all. If I always run from my fears I will never get over them anyway, right?"

Our conversation seemed to bring him some peace of mind, I need to make it look like Horikita saves him so he falls for her.

After a little small talk I went back to my dorm and decided to relax since I have to work out tomorrow with Fuka. Nowadays she uses her commands to have we do weird stuff sexually to me, like wear a blindfold or beg. Like I said before I don't really have the pride that would prevent me from doing those this so I comply easily.

Well not much will happen until the trial where I will be called as a witness so I guess I'll just talk with Sotomura and Mii-chan until then, I think the trial will be early next week so there is some time. 

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