Chapter Eight ➳ Tom

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Chapter Eight:

Tom's POV;

I was only forty miles from Manchester and from... Nathan yet I felt like there was hundreds of miles between me and Nathan. The thought of the brown haired boy plagued my mind, he was like an affliction but for some reason: I didn't care. He seemed so captivating, so interesting so amazing. I doubted that I would see him again but I know that the memory of him would never fade from my mind. 

Nathan was just another mindless fuck but I just seemed so attached to him. I put it down to the fact I haven't been so intimate with someone in a while and I was feeling an attachment to him. But another part of me told me that there was something special about him. When I woke in his bed he seemed shocked and scared. Nathan obviously knew who I was and I was intrigued by his reaction; I wanted to excavate further into his mind. 

"Mate are you alright?" Max asked from beside me. We were currently on the tour bus on our way to Sheffield, we had a gig there tonight. I really wasn't feeling up to performing tonight. 

"You haven't said a word since this morning when you came back from wherever the hell you was." 

I sighed. "I'm fine-- Just thinking about things." 

Max continued to stare at me; he wanted more out of me. 

"You know Max, you do pry too much." I tried to sound annoyed but ended up breaking into a grin at his stupid pouty face - he was mocking me. I rolled my eyes. "You are such a dick."

"And you love it." He winked; I rolled my eyes. 

He could be so childish at times but I wouldn't have him any other way, he always managed to cheer me up and for that I was grateful. 

And for a split second I forgot all about the boy from Manchester. 

* * * 

It was now around eleven thirty, we had just got into the tour bus after cleaning ourselves up from the show and we were on our way to the next location. I had tweeted a quick message to the fans, saying how tonight was fun - and it actually was, my mood had brightened up immediately as I heard the fans screaming for us. The fact we only had one album out and we already had quite a large fan base astounded me. This was something that I always wanted to do and the fact that it was going somewhere was great. I just hoped that as we got more famous we would all stay humble and not let the fame get to our heads, not like it did with other bands. 

I then decided to go onto tumblr, I've been abusing it since that blog had wrote that text post calling us horrible people for not meeting fans from the other night. I tried to argue that we had no time to stay but of course the person behind the blog wouldn't believe me, I mean my username is maxsnipples for God sake's! 

I scrolled through my dashboard and reblogged some fan art that fans had made and edits of us, I also reblogged a few miscellaneous text posts hopefully portraying the persona of a teenage girl quite well. I didn't want anyone finding out my identity. 

I was about to log off when I noticed something interesting, it was a text post. 

A text post from no other than theunwanted.

So it's no secret how much I hate the band The Wanted, I mean this blog is dedicated to my hate to the band. But I've had an epiphany or should I say that I have had an epiphany inserted into me?

My hate for the band has decreased by a substantial amount and especially for one of the members of the dumb band: Tom Parker.

Now that my name had been mentioned my attention had suddenly peaked and I was desperately craving to know what else this person had to say for himself. 

Yes that is right, I now have a soft spot for Tom. I've only just realised my keeness to him and it's a very weird feeling - I never actually thought that I would like someone I believed I had hated. As I mentioned before it was due to the epiphany that was inserted into me the other night. 

Only he and I would understand that last bit; it's an inside joke. 

Pun intended. 

Anyways, I would like to reiterate: I know kind of like the wanted especially Tom Parker. 


I gulped. My mind was racing and my thoughts were skidding around my head; a formula one race had begun inside my mind. I put the pieces together and the puzzle was completed: Nathan was the person behind the blog that angered me so much. That's why he looked so terrified when he looked at me, that's why he kicked me out of his house so quickly. 

Clicking on the hateful blog I pressed on the letter button. I then decided to send Nathan a rather hateful message of my own. 

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