Chapter Five: Claude

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" a rat is a rat after all, who knew that you've been hiding here all along"

'Calm down Cyrus... This person wouldn't hurt you right now' Cyrus who's shaking non stop after his oh is called 'father' appear. Try to calm his body

"Y-your majesty" Jennette, the brunette girl who's been craving for loved was the first one to greet the Emperor, she was admiring Claude with that sparkling eyes of her.

'That is not you're Father Jennette... That man is a walking ticking bomb who can kill us whenever he wants' Cyrus or right now known as Eros scold the brunette in his mind.

Ijekiel and Eros also greet Claude,but a cold eyes who's piercing in kids soul was the only thing they get.

The three children shake in fear when they meet Claude's gaze

"Take the kid" Claude order the red haired knight who's been nervously watching the father and son

Felix immediately move forward to take Eros but the kid just move backwards, seeing this attitude Felix look at the kid with a sorry face.

Ijekiel who see this immediately take a step forward in order to protect Eros, Jennette just look at them with a confused gaze.

"I have no time playing with you brat I need to take that kid... Get out of the way" Seeing things taking to long Claude look coldly at the kids who's been taking his time way too much.

Receiving the cold gaze, Ijekiel almost lost his balance in fear, in that split second,Felix already get Eros. The kid who's been caught off guard try to escape the red haired's grip

Seeing as the kid is already in Felix hand Claude order everyone to go back.

"... W-wait... Your majesty"

But someone bold enough to cling in Claude's dress stop them... Then the flash back came

'Ah... Yeah... Father adored Jennette in that time line... I forgot about it... Now that Jennette and Claude see each other sooner than expected... Will he take Jennette too?... He will right?' Eros look at the two

'Of course he will, Jennette is his Precious child afterall' slowly the previously shining blue eyes turned in to a full and empty one, looking at the two figures who make their life miserable, Eros mind turned to blank, the image of his beloved sister beheaded the time he returned after a long battle because of her being framed, and even after his daughter's death this cold hearted man, act as if nothing happen.

'Son of a b*tch'

"What do you want?... I'm in a hurry get lost" at the cold eyes look at her, Jennette turned blue, she slowly retreat her hand and bowed again

"It's nothing your majesty" Jennette's eyes shake 'he knew my brother, but he doesn't know me... Why is that'

Claude turned around,a flashing magic circle surround them as they disappear

'It's ok,your majesty probably will know me sooner, because uncle promise it... I just need to wait then I will be with them' with a determined look in Jennette eyes as she try to comport herself look at ijekiel who's been standing there like a statue

"He will visit us... Probably"


As soon as the magic disappear,a luxurious hallway enter Eros sight, the previously empty eyes return to its normal shiny blue, still shocked at what he saw earlier

'Father rejects Jennette... FATHER REJECT JENNETTE... what's going on... Did the world will die soon?... Did he hit his head or something?' In his previous life, Claude always do Whatever Jennette wanted, so the fact that he ignored Jennette is something that will happen when the world die... Or he just accidentally hit his head.

"What's up with you're stupid expression?"

'... Never mind... He still the same after all'


Claude look at Eros up and down

"Return your original Appreance" at Claude's Order the previously Brown hair turned Black,and his ocean blue eyes turned into a Jeweled eyes, upon seeing his appearance Claude immediately turned cold

"Dress him properly so he will look decent" After That he leave the kid to Felix who's been carrying Cyrus

Cyrus look at Felix "let's go" with a hint of anger Cyrus walk to the opposite direction, Felix immediately follow him behind

"Umm... I'm Felix Robane, n-nice to meet you prince-" Before Felix can bow, Cyrus stop him

"No need to be formal" Cyrus stop before turning and look at Felix

'Yeah... Since I plan to get away here a soon as possible' Cyrus smiled evily as he plan his escape

'I should bring Athanasia... Yeah let's do that'


'Why am I here?'

After Dressing up nicely,a maid immediately told Cyrus that Claude wanted to see him.Dressed in a fancy shirts,Cyrus go to Claude's Room.

But the thing he saw there is a Two bloned person staring at each other, the other look uninterested and bored while the other one is scared and trembling non stop.

The Two bloned look at the door when it opened,their shining jeweled eyes look at the person who's currently standing like a statue.

The bloned girl flinch when she see another person that has jeweled eyes other than her (and Jennette) The black haired boy on the other hand was too stunned to speak,seeing his sister alive make him Unable to speak.

The Awkwardly comfy silent broke when a certain man spoke.

"Why are you standing there like a statue?, sit" upon hearing this,Cyrus immediately sit beside the bloned hair girl.The bloned haired girl secretly feeling grateful at this new person for breaking the intense gaze she received while sitting for like, 2 minutes ago.

'Calm down Cyrus,Athanasia is still alive and breathing... No need to panic' contrary to his stoic expression,Cyrus is having a dilemma after seeing his soon-to-be-dead sister of him,he is grateful that he was given a second chance and scared because things moving faster than expected.

The silent feels comfy again,but a certain bloned just happen to be dense broke it (for the second time)

And the conversation of this three being began


Ok so, I'm sorry because I just update today, anyways thanks for the reads and likes.

I appreciate it very much.

Like I said before you guys probably encountered some grammatical errors and typos.

And I'm very very sorry about that, remember that I'm just a beginner writer.

And that's it, hope to see you again in my next chapter update and advance merry Christmas

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