Chapter Two: Jennette

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"What do you think about that child?" The black haired man ask to his self, no... He's talking to someone, someone that can't be seen in human naked eye.

"That child has a potential, raised him" A voice answered the man, the black haired man become silent for a moment before smiling, a sly smile can be seen in his Handsome face, his eyes shine for a split second before turning to it's 'original' black eyes.

"I see" the black haired man only reply before standing and walking to the child's room, he open the door and closed it, he walked besides the child who soundly sleeping, he reach his hand to the child and a sudden black aura appear "you will be useful in the future, for now, live as someone else Cyrus"


The child open his eyes when the sun hit his face, the pale and skinny child sit up when he noticed someone's presence beside him. He look at his side only to see the black haired man

"You're awake" The man happily said while handing a mirror to the child, the child look at him for a second before looking at the mirror, he stared at his reflection with a wide eye, his usual long black haired turned brown, and the unique jeweled eyes of his turned to a normal blue color "you see, since your trying to survive, and I save your life, why not work for me?"

"I didn't ask it tho"

An irked mark could be seen at the adult's cheek "... Well... Do you want me to return you to that scary house... or whatever you called it?"

The child immediately shake his head, if he go back to that mansion, he has a feeling that it would lead him In his own death, and his guts never fail to save his life.

"Good... Now listen, I will send you to were my daughter was, act like his big brother until I come back, understand?" The man ask to the child, it's unusual for him to worry about other people aside from his daughter, but since this child is also neglected why not?... He's going to be useful in the future anyways. "Forget about your current name, from now on, you'll be named as Eros Margarita"

The child become silent before asking a question "what is the meaning of that name?"

Anastacuis smiled before answering "the meaning of your name is love"

"... Love?"

"Yeah... It's pretty name for someone who seeks love/attention"

"I did?"

"Who know" Anastacuis shrugged his shoulder before taking Cyrus-no Eros hand "we're going to move out now, change your clothes"

"... Okay"


Eros who's currently seating in a luxurious carriage, while wearing a fancy clothes, this is the first time Eros wore something decent since he's been living to that scary mansion

"Greet them normally... You don't need education, your smart" Anastacuis remind Eros, Eros just nodded since he doesn't know what to say

'This man know that I know some etiquette, is he observing me from a far?' Even though the atmosphere inside the carriage is normal, Eros mind is in a total mess

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