chapter 1(edited)

Start from the beginning

That bad luck led to the Omega boy being orphaned at the tender age of four years and Danzo had taken over the guardianship as was the rule for every child who found themselves orphaned. He didn't act like his parent, because he had no interest in that, but he saw to it that the boy was taken care of, that he wouldn't join his parents in the afterlife.

There was just enough money provided to buy food for the boy, because schooling was unnecessary. An Omega had no need to learn how to read or write or work on the complexity that was mathematics. Why would they? They were valuable for who they were, not for what they were capable of doing.

So he allowed the boy to run wild while other children his age attended the local school. As long as the boy was back in his house by the time night fell, it did not matter one with to Danzo what the boy was doing. As the boy grew older, however, Danzo did send an occasional guard to check up on the Omega should he find himself outside the borders of the town.

An Omega reached maturity when they were seventeen; that was the year they would have their first heat, the one indicating they were ready to be bound and bear children. Danzo was a well read man, so he knew how important it was for a town to have an Omega. Konoha was self-sufficient, capable of taking care of everyone, so there was no need to find an Alpha outside Konoha. If they looked for a person in one of the other towns, that would mean having to relinquish their Omega and Danzo was not a fool.

While worthless because they could only bound with one person, Omega still offered a lot of prestige to the village or town possessing them. Danzo would be a fool to hand over that much prestige to another town and a fool he was not. Thus, he had already sought out a worthy partner for the Omega once he reached maturity: a man named Yakushi Kabuto.

While still fairly young, Yakushi had the honour of studying underneath several grand masters of the medical and mathematical arts, making him a very intelligent man and a great asset to have in the village. In exchange for remaining here and solely using his services for Konoha, Danzo had promised him the Omega once he fully matured. Danzo dared anyone to find a more perfect agreement than the one the two men shared: Yakushi would have the prestige and fame of having an Omega as his partner and Konoha was ensured of having the best medical professional in the entire country.

Self-sufficient and blessed by the gods: truly there was no better place to live in than Konoha.

They're getting closer, my lord," one of the guards said tersely; his voice barely above a whisper even though the howling autumn wind outside ensured that nobody could overhear the conversation.

"How much closer?" Danzo inquired coolly, staring at the map fully uncovered on the table in front of him.

"They've already raided Iwagakure and the latest reports situate them near the borders of Amegakure," the guard answered and pressed his lips tightly together as he rested his finger on the latest reported location of the barbarians on the map. "If they intend on continuing their path without any deviation, then I fear they will be here in less than a fortnight - if that even."

"You suspect they will be here sooner?" Danzo narrowed his eyes, bending closer to the map. Given the distance between Amegakure and Konoha that seemed almost impossible, but ...

"Barbaric they might be, my lord, but they are highly organised and none of the villages and towns they've raided were able to put up much of a fight," the guard said troubled and rubbed his forehead. "They seem to tear through everything as if it was mere wet paper and nobody so far has been able to stop them."

"Do we know whether they're after something in specific?"

The second guard piped up this time, grimacing, "All sorts of valuables they can get their grubby hands on, my lord. None of us have been able to uncover yet how much truth is behind the rumours, but survivors speak of them looking for Omega as well."

"Of course they do," Danzo murmured distastefully and turned away from the map. Linking his hands behind his back, he walked to the window and stared outside, watching the outlines of the trees swaying back and forth underneath the pressure of the wind.

The barbarians were a clan who called themselves Uzumaki. Inhabiting a deserted, lawless land somewhere in the north, not much was known about them save for their utter brutality as they raided and pillaged village after village, town after town. Rumours said they were descendants of royal blood, the indication of that being that most of them were born as an Alpha - that amount of Alpha in one clan had never been seen before, aiding to the rumours that they had to be of royal blood.

Instead of capitalising on that supposed royal blood, however, they seemed to take pleasure in expanding their territory in the most brutal of ways: many a town had been left behind charred and destroyed after they had passed through.

Their country wasn't a stranger to clans seeking to expand their territory, of course. Violence and greed came as natural to some of these people as breathing. But the ferociousness of this particular clan, the absolute brutality and savagery was on a scale completely unwitnessed before. When faced with these absolute savages a town had but two choices: comply or be devoured. Many ended up unwillingly chosen the latter as they tried to defend themselves.

In a way Danzo had to admire these filthy barbarians: savage beings as they were, clearly they were calculating as well, combining smarts and power to absolutely eradicate entire villages. If only they would offer themselves as an army, they were sure to earn a lot of riches that way.

Alas, they had chosen to be barbarians - and now they were getting dangerously close to Konoha.

"Has there been any indication that they know where our village is located?" Danzo questioned, turning back to the guards.

Fortunately for the general safety Danzo had convinced his predecessor years ago that revealing their exact location would not be in their best interests and so none of the other towns knew where Konoha could be found. No stranger came ever around these parts; the village built too remote to be discovered.

If the gods' luck still held, then those Uzumaki barbarians would simply overlook them and go straight for the next town.

The two guards looked at each other. "None so far," the first one admitted. "They seem hell bent on pillaging Amegakure for now."

"Then we will place breadcrumbs for them to lead them straight to the next town," Danzo smiled thinly. "We wouldn't want them to make a detour for nothing, after all. See to it that rumours about the many richness in the caves of Otogakure reach them on time."

"Certainly, my lord." The two guards bowed before leaving.

Which left only one remaining guard.

Danzo turned towards the black haired man and lifted an eyebrow. "Do you have anything in specific to report?" he asked calmly, taking care to roll up the map carefully.

"The Omega has been requesting more pillows and blankets since three days," Sai answered flatly; his black eyes eerily blank in the flickering flames in the fireplace. "Not because of the chillness in the air, for he seems rather fussy about how they are placed."

Danzo nodded slowly. "That makes sense, considering his seventeenth birthday is approaching fast. Thank you for your report, Sai. Inform me immediately once he stays holed up in his room."

Once the Omega would no longer leave his house, that would be the sign that his heat was about to break through. Once it did, Danzo had a room prepared for him. He would have to inform Yakushi of the impending heat of his Omega soon, so that the man could be prepared as well.

The sooner the Omega was bound, the quicker Danzo could shed at least one concern.

Hey lovers!!!
Hope you enjoy!!

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