Werewolf Academy

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Werewolf Academy : Home to all wolf shifters. Whether they're Alphas, Betas, Deltas,Omegas, Warriors, Healers, Hunters, Scouts or Spies, your welcome as long as you belong in a pack, ABSOLUTELY NO ROUGES Allowed!!!
Two students of the same gender per room.
Single Rooms are only for Alphas.
Every Student must take an extracurricular class & training for future role in pack.
After completing all classes at Werewolf Academy students will attend a blood ceremony to pledge their allegiance to their pack and take on their roles, whatever they may be.

(Ruby's P.O.V.)
I sigh as I read the red and black pamphlet that was given to me. The Academy can only take in 50 Omegas a year but since nobody wanted to adopt a future pupsitter, they made an exception for me. I look up at my escort as he leads me to the Principal's Office. There written on the door I see the name 'Aaron Black'. My escort knocks on the door and seconds later a very sexy brown haired, blue eyed man opens the door. I watch as sniffs the air and his eyes widen. I see his lips whisper something but I have no idea what.
"Hello Alpha, this is the Omega from the BloodMoon Pack that we talked about," I hear my escort say.
The principal looks at me and nods his head.
"Uh, yes just give me a moment to get her schedule", Oh my gosh his voice is so beautiful. I almost whimper when he goes back into his office. I suddenly feel a warm presence and turn around but all I see are blurs passing by. Werewolf speed I'm guessing, although that was a little too fast for werewolves.
About five minutes later the principal comes out and hands me a paper.
"Have a great first day", he tells me.

I follow my escort down the hallway to another office with the name Fawcett Black on it. Huh they must be related. The door opens to reveal another sexy man with Dirty Blonde hair and another set of gorgeous blue eyes.
"You must be Ruby. I am your counselor," he keeps rambling on and I just bask in his beauty.
"Ruby?" He asks.
" I'm sorry what?"
"Ha, I asked you if you had any school supplies."
"Uh, sorry no."
"That's okay. Follow me." I do as he says and go into his office where he opens a closet door. I watch as he puts school supplies in a backpack for me.
"Thank you"
"Any time." He leads me back outside and says "I'll see you tomorrow, have a great first day"
I turn to my escort and follow him to classroom.
"This is your 4th period class, Biology." The first things I notice are textbooks & yet another very sexy man, gosh all the guys here are sexy. He has Dirty Blonde hair and green eyes.
"Hi, I'm Easton Black. You must be Ruby."
"Yup that's me."
"Well I look forward to having you in my class."
I hear knocking sound and turn to see 7 guys.
"Hello I'm your Vice Principal, Baker Black," says a brown haired, green eyed man.
"I'm Ian Black, your 1st period French teacher," says a light blonde haired, blue eyed man.
"I'm Jackson Black, your 2nd period American Literature teacher," says a Light blonde haired, green eyed man.
" I'm Gale Black, your 3rd period Geography teacher," says a Dark Blonde haired, blue eyed man.
" I'm your 5th period Algebra teacher, Hale Black", says a Dark blonde haired, green eyed man.
"I'm Damien Black, your 7th period Drama teacher," says a Light Brown haired, blue eyed man.
"And I'm Caesar Black, your 8th period Computer Science teacher," says the Light brown haired, green eyed man.
I think I'm gonna like it here.

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