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"Hiccup your father wants to see you" Valka said, stepping into Hiccups room. Hiccup put down his book and walked down the hall. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door. His father lay in bed and looked worse than Hiccup had ever seen him. He choked back tears. Hiccup walked up to his father. Stoick looked up at him and forced a weak smile. Hiccup felt a year slip down his cheek. "Son listen to me" Stoick whispered. "I called off the wedding with Heather. Go, marry for love". Hiccup smiled. "Thank you" Hiccup whispered. "Find your mystery girl" Stoick continued, "and tell her to get shoes that don't fall off". The boys laughed a little. Stoick gave his son a hug and Hiccup layer next to him, crying. He didn't want his father to go and he didn't want to become king. He just wanted to go back to when he was young. No worries, a happy family, no problems. "Goodbye son" Stoick whispered, "I love you". More tears fell from Hiccups eyes. Stoicks chests stopped moving. He was gone. For good. Hiccup moved his head. He looked at his father. His eyes shut, he was really gone. He looked at the doorway and saw his mother, who also has tears in her eyes. Hiccup ran to and cried into her shoulder. Valka rubbed her son's back. "He wanted you to have this" she whispered. She slowly pushed Hiccup back and handed him a small piece of paper with a picture on it. Hiccup but his lip when he saw the picture. It was him when he was about one or two and his father held him above his head. Hiccup looked at the paper. Anything like me was scribbled at the top. It was a song, "Dis dad write this" Hiccup finally managed to ask. His mother nodded. Hiccup looked back at his dead father. Then he walked out of the room without saying a word. He went back to his room and took a guitar off a nearby shelf. He was given the guitar a few years ago but never used it. He hurried out of the castle and went to his secret garden. "Why me" he sobbed. His life was a mess right now. The girl he loved was missing, he had to become king and his father was gone. How could things be worse. He sunk down against the wall. He took the guitar and strummed a couple of cords. He had a lesson a few times, but he didn't really pay attention. He looked at the song and began to play.
"I remember saying, I don't care ethier way
Just as long as he or she is healthy
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
You see that thing right there, well you know what that means
I started wondering who he was gonna be
And I thought heaven help him, if he's anything like me...
He'll probably climb a tree to tall and ride his horse to fast
And end up every summer wearing something in a cast
He's gonna through a ball and brake some glass
And a window down the street
He's gonna get in trouble, he's gonna get in fights
I'm gonna loose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that
I'm gonna get my payback
If he's anything like me".
Hiccup smiled weakly. He set the guitar down and looked at the picture again. He held it over his heart and cried.

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