The Ball

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Hiccup wasn't paying any attention to the guest that came pouring into the ballroom. Nor did her care. If he had to dance with somebody he wanted it to be the girl from the forest, but he hadn't seen her. He sighed. His father was here though but he was talking to a princess and her father about his marriage. He cringed. Yes the princess was beautiful, but he didn't love her. He rolled his eyes. His father stepped up to him. "Who are you looking for son" he asked curiously. Hiccup shook his head. "Nobody" he said, which in fact was a lie. He had really hoped that girl from the forest would show up but she hadn't. Stoick shrugged and walked back to where Valka and the princess of someplace Hiccup had never herd of were. Hiccup looked back at the entrance. A girl with a neon orange dress stepped into the room fluttering a fan. Hiccup placed his hand over his mouth and pretended to barf. The dress was so ugly he couldn't stand to look at it. He turned and walked away but ran into his father. "Ah Hiccup this is Heather" he said and nodded to a girl in a simple white dress with black hair. "Uh... nice to meet you" Hiccup stammered. He held out out for Heather to shake, which she did. Her father was standing next to her. He leaned over to Hiccup. "You two are betrothed, I hope you know that" he whispered in Hiccups ear. Hiccup eyes grew and glanced at the floor. Hiccup was about to say something but the announcer said something first. "Let our ball commence" he shouted. Hiccup noticed how uncomfortable Heather seemed to feel but suddenly the whole ballroom turned quiet and he herd the sound of doors opening. Hiccup turned around and his eyes grew wide. At the top of the stairs stood a girl in and ice blue dress. Her blond hair was hanging a little beneath her shoulders and had small white snowflakes in her hair. As she descended the stairs something in her hair caught Hiccups attention. An ice blue ribbon had been rapped around the middle of the dress. The same ribbon from the girl in the forest! Hiccup smiled and so did Heather when she saw how interested Hiccup was in the girl. Heather was in love with someone else anyway. "Excuse me" Hiccup said smiling and walked towards the stairs that led to the main part of the ballroom. This girl definitely has his attention. The crowd parted. One reason was because the prince was coming. Another reason was that the girl was so beautiful and everyone could see that she had the princes attention. Claire watched as Elsa came down the steps. She knew her best friend and that was totally her. What confused her was the dress. Where did she get that on such short notice. I mean it was next to impossible. What the heck?! She would just ask her when they got home. "Who is that" Joyless gasped, horrified. Claire smirked. Back on the dance floor Hiccup made his way up to the girl. "It's you" he said smiling. "It appears that way" Elsa giggled. "Care to dance" Hiccup asked holding out his hand. Elsa gladly accepted. Hiccup put his other arm around his hand around her waist. Hiccup looked up at the musicians and nodded. The music started up again. Hiccup took a step forward as Elsa took a step back. "Why didn't you tell me your the prince" Elsa asked as he twirled her around. "Well I'm A prince, not THE prince" Hiccup smirked. "You know what I mean" Elsa smiled as they moved around the center of the dance floor. "You didn't ask" Hiccup responded, hiding his laugh. "Come on" Elsa almost shouted. Hiccup laughed. "I didn't tell you because I have never been treated like a normal boy and I liked it" Hiccup said, dipping her down low. Other people had started to dance around. Elsa saw Claire dancing with what looked like a duke. She sent her a smile. Claire grinned back and slightly waved. "You know her" Hiccup asked as the spun in a circle. "My best friend" Elsa responded. Hiccup looked around. "Come with me" he whispered, and started to drag her away. Elsa followed as the left the room, without anyone noticing. Hiccup led her outside into the night air. Hiccup extended his hand which Elsa happily excepted. They walked through the yard and Elsa had no clue where they were going. "This is amazing" Elsa said as they walked. "Ya it is" Hiccup sighed. "What's wrong" Elsa wondered. "Like I said, family problems" Hiccup shrugged. Elsa placed her hand on his shoulder. Hiccup looked up at her. "It's just that, my father got really sick and he's probably gonna die" Hiccup said, shedding a tear. "Poor Hiccup" Elsa whispered. "So your gonna be king" Elsa asked quietly. "Someone's gotta take the crown" Hiccup smiled. "If not me then who... my horse"? Hiccup laughed and so did Elsa. "Where are we" Elsa asked as they approached a stone wall with vines covering it. Hiccup face began suddenly serious. "I've never shown this place to anybody" he said. He pushed some vines aside revealing a door. Hiccup pushed the door open and behind it was a beautiful garden, with a wooden swing. "Wow" Elsa breathed. Hiccup led her over to the swing. "Please" he said gesturing to the swing. "I shouldn't" Elsa swooned.

"You should"

"I shouldn't"

"You should"

"I shouldn't"

You should"!

"I will" Elsa finally gave in. She slightly startled Hiccup but she sat down and he smiled. He walked over to the other side of the swing and took the ropes. He slowly pushed her back and forth, and they were enjoying every moment. Suddenly one of Elsa's glass slippers fell off and landed softly on the grass. "Oh" Elsa gasped a little. Hiccup bent down and picked it up. "Its made of glass" he said shocked. Elsa giggled. "You'll find there really comfortable".

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