A deep, painful roar followed.

After the noises ceased, she came out, blood and dirt all over her. She seemed unharmed, even relaxed, as if she didn't just take more than one life in less than a minute. But then Ciden wondered why she didn't kill them in a less... bloody way.

"I know what you're thinking. Yes, she could have used her powers. She just prefers to put up a fight. Not that anyone would stand a chance against her, but killing people with her swords gives her the feeling of power that her ability never could. You should get used to that," Jamie said.

He didn't know if he could. He wasn't used to being around people like her at all.

Grace motioned for them to come over. She pointed to the three mutilated bodies behind her.

"Bring the bodies to the back of the cave. The smell might attract wolves, but apart from that, we're safe here. For now."

"Apart from a pack of wolves, which is most certainly not as easy to kill as these three gentlemen. Sure." Jamie grinned at Grace.

In response, she lifted her right hand and let dark shadows dance across her finger.

Jamie didn't look like he was actually worried, but Ciden definitely was. Despite this, he helped Jamie carry the bodies away.

Now, it was completely dark outside. And cold.

They couldn't risk making a fire, so they were just sitting close to each other with a huge blanket that Jamie had in his bag. Grace had refused to sit in the middle, clearly uncomfortable with being that close to them, so Jamie took that spot. He was also the one who fell asleep first. That didn't surprise Ciden.

Minutes of awkward silence had passed, until Grace asked, "Who was he? That friend of yours."

"His name was Luan."

"Did you trust him?" Grace turned her head towards him. He had not expected that kind of question. Why would she be interested it that?

"I don't want to talk about him."

It wouldn't help him to create more lies than necessary. Every lie had consequences and the truth would alsays be revealed eventually.

She didn't ask any more questions and  just turned her head back, facing the wall oppositeof them again. It was covered in blood. "Sleep. I'll keep watch."

He trusted her enough to close his eyes and fall asleep.


She kept watch until dawn.

When Jamie woke up, she wasn't even tired. Nothing had happened over night; she hadn't even moved an inch.

He yawned while he stretched his arms above his head.

Then he turned his head in her direction and rubbed his left eye. "Please don't tell me you've been up all night. Again."

She didn't respond.

"Oh no. I'm not going to carry you if you fall asleep. I'm just gonna leave you lying on the ground, grab our new friend here and... and probably get lost without you...so, never mind."

He wasn't wrong. He most certainly would get lost. She really didn't know where he left his sense of direction. If she had to guess, he probably lost that somewhere, too...

And once again, she wondered how she ended up with that idiot as her best, and only, friend.

She had to think back to the first time they met in Azivélle—another of the five kingdoms—seven years ago.
It had been her home, once upon a time.

She was standing on the market place, waiting for her brother to catch up with her. Just when she turned around to go back, someone crashed into her.

A boy, barely older than she, had run into her and was now lying on the ground. She offered him a hand to help him up, which he accepted.

"Sorry," he said, avoiding eye contact. He had probably seen her eyes while she pulled him up.

He was scared of her. She was used to that.

He began to walk away. That was when she noticed that the ring that she was wearing on her right, was gone.

She looked up, and saw him running around the corner behind a house. She ran after him.
He was fast, but she was smarter. He didn't even seem to notice that she was following him. Luckily, she could guess which direction he was headed in and took a shortcut.

A few seconds later, he ran right into her. Again.

"Is this your thing? Running into people?"

He did not answer.

She grabbed his arm to keep him from running away.

"Give me back my ring."

"What ring?"

"You know what ring. Give it back, unless you want to find out what powers hide behind my eyes...I just can't promise that you'd survive that."

He tossed her the ring with his free hand, still not looking at her face. She let his arm go, and he looked up surprised.

"You're letting me go?"

"I only wanted my ring back," she said, and took a step back. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Well, then, thanks, I guess," he replied, finally looking at her face, if only for two seconds. That was already more than most people did.

She hadn't really cared to take a look at him before, but when he wanted to go, she noticed how thin he was. His clothes were old and dirty and had holes in them. It was almost winter. He would freeze to death in them. She even thought she saw straw in his messy, brown hair.

He had to be poor, probably even homeless. Thieves were common around here. Mostly people who had the skill, but not the need. People, who hated the rich ones and just want to take something away from them. They stole things, sold them, and returned to their houses.

But this boy had tried to steal her ring because he needed a roof over his head.

She never really felt sympathy for anyone, but in that moment, she just couldn't let him walk away like that, knowing he would not survive the next three months. "Wait," she said, and went after him. "You are homeless, aren't you?"

He looked ashamed of that, but nodded. Sighing, she grabbed the tiny bag of gold in her pocket and handed it to him.

"Take this. Don't worry, I have more than that."

Even though he had just tried to steal her ring, he shook his head and refused the gold. "I can't take this."

"You will freeze to death like this. Buy new clothes, get a room in a tavern, I don't care. Just take it."

She took his hand, dropped the bag in it and left.

Grace had seen Jamie often on the market since. She had brought him food and more gold every time they met. Quickly, they became friends. None of them really had one before, since they were both outcasts.

It was nice to have a friend. She always thought she didn't want one, but she hadn't realized, how badly she needed friendship in her life. From that point on, they were basically inseparable.

Jamie smirked at her, like he knew what she was thinking. However he did that.

"I don't want to disturb your lovely memories of me, but I believe we need to set off."

When she nodded, he woke Ciden up.

After they had a little breakfast, they were on the move again.

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