One day that all changed, when Scott arrived, and we begun to make a plan to bring everyone who blipped back again.

I instantly offered to help without even a seconds hesitation. Yes, maybe there was a chance it wouldn't work, but I didn't care. I needed Bucky back and there was nothing that was going to stop me.

(A/N: I imagined Y/N having teamed up with Scott and Steve for the time travel thing. I just get a feeling she wouldn't have trusted any of the people on the other teams -besides Nat and Clint obviously- but it also didn't make any sense -story line wise- for her to be at Natasha's death. But I want to leave it to your imagination of how that all went down and stuff).

We lost a few people along the way, including Nat, which hit us all really hard, but she chose to sacrifice herself and I think she would agree that it was worth it. I finally had my Bucky back and although it was hard, at least we helped each other through everything. I was finally happy again.

I know people always say how a person shouldn't be the reason for your happiness and that you should make yourself happy. But I disagree with that. When Bucky was gone/dead I was all alone, I was more lonely then ever, but most importantly I was grieving. But when Bucky came back all of that was better. So have fun disagreeing with me, because I don't care.

I mean how am I supposed to be happy when I was grieving the death of a loved one. The love of my life.

Everything was mostly happy again for most of us. Even though most of us are still sad and grieving about Nat dying. And most of the others seem to be devastated about Stark's death as well.

I never really knew the guy, but I respect him for sacrificing everything for the rest of us. Even though he technically tried to kill Bucky a few years ago.

I met the infamous Nick Fury. Turnes out he knew my perents. They were agents for SHIELD and were assigned a case to uncover a mistory muder of someone important within SHIELD which they now know Hydra was behind. Thats why my perents died and Hydra took me hostage, because my perents were extreamly close to uncovering the truth about Hydra.

Knowing the truth about my perents helped me feel closer to them somehow, and helped me feel better about their death, helped me to no longer feel like the grief was some kind of disease.

Wanda is clearly still in a lot of pain after Vision's death. I tried to help her many times, because after all I know exactly what she is going through. I never gave up on helping her. But she refused to accept my help and admit she was in pain. Sadly this all lead to more chaos and a lot of people getting hurt. But EVENTUALLY it all resolved its self.

Steve decided to leave and live out a married life for some reason. I understand it and he deserves to live a happy and peaceful life with someone he loves. But leaving now when Bucky needed him most doesn't make any sense to me.

Just like me, Bucky has been pardoned for everything he has done, but he is still getting used to this new world, we all are. I tried my best to help Bucky adapt to all these changes, but to be fair I need the help as well, so what use am I to help him?

At least we have each other again. We can do this together instead of alone.

After many years of more chaos and fighting many bad people, everything finally calmed down for us and Bucky proposed to me. And of course I said yes.

The wedding was beautiful and the best day of my life. I finally got to officially marry the love of my life. Even though we acted like a married couple long before that.

Clint walked me down the isle. Wanda, Hope and Cassie were my brides maids. (Scotts Family is amazing). And last but not least, Scott was my man of honor.

Soldier Of Pain (Bucky Barns Fanfiction) [COMPLETED STORY]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora