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A/N: I know I keep apologizing for updating these parts so late, but I had just recovered from being quite sick for the past 2 weeks and a lot has been happening with school work and drama at home and at school, so I hope you guys can understand that.

Anyway. . .

Enjoy reading the final part! =)


I was right when I expected the rest of my life to be a roller coaster and it really didn't take long before my life turned to complete chaos again.

It didn't take long before I forgave Nat and Steve. They are my family and I can't live without them.

Both Scott and Clint where offered a chance to go back to their homes and see their family's again, under the rules of the Sokovia accords and they must stay under complete house arrest. Which apparently didn't last long for Scott before he broke those rules and needed to save the world again.

It was sad to say goodbye to my father figure and my best friend. But I managed to convince them to pull one of our famous pranks on the rest of the team one last time, It was possibly the most epic prank EVER!

Little did I know, at the time, that that was going to be the last time I would see them for the next more then five years. Because Steve got a call from Bruce Banner, announcing the end of the universe. Luckily it was only the end of half the universe. But for me it was the end of my entire universe. I lost my everything.

We tried everything, and fought harder then ever, but the stupid purple alien won. I had to watch the love of my life, Bucky, fade to dust right in front of my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I then spend five whole years all alone. Grieving all over again. I don't think I ever managed to accept it. But we all lost everything. Steve lost both his best friends and together we bonded over losing Bucky.

I ended up losing my entire new family, and for the second time now. Vision Died. Sam, Wanda and Bucky all blipped. Clint went missing and rogue. And Scott was complicated, but he was also missing for those five years. So the only people I had left where Nat and Steve.

Natasha tried everything to bring us all back together again. At least of those of us who were still left, but no matter how hard she tried, it was no use. Those who were still alive went their separate ways. But at least Nat, Steve and I stayed together. We all lost everyone and had no one else to go to.

Natasha and I tried to find Clint again, but he didn't want to be found, he wanted to continue his anger and vengeance spree.

Since Clint was AWOL, Steve became like my new father figure and Nat like my mother. Both of them taking care of me when I didn't have the energy or the will to do so myself. It was as if I was re living one of the worst parts of my life all over again. But we helped each other through it. and without them I probably wouldn't have made it.

Even though Steve and I never really had the best relationship before, he promised himself to always take care of me because if he didn't, Bucky's ghost would literally haunt him until he was six feet under.

I guess the only -and basically only- positive about it all was that we where sort of 'pardoned' for breaking the law and going against the Sokovia accords. I guess the world had bigger things to worry about then the ex avengers who also helped save the world AND the universe.

Steve would host these therapy sort of sessions, and I tried my best to attend all of them. But they never seamed to be able to help my depressed state.

Even though I had some people to keep me compony, I still felt more lonelier then ever before. I had never been that long without Bucky with me and it was more horrible then anyone could ever imagine.

Soldier Of Pain (Bucky Barns Fanfiction) [COMPLETED STORY]Where stories live. Discover now