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It's the last day of me waiting for Nat to arrive and I can't wait to see her again. She told me over a video call that her meeting with the other company was a success and she has gotten them to sign the contract. I wasn't really surprised knowing how great Nat is in convincing people and she's very smart as well.

She gave me the details of her flight when I asked for them. She will be expecting her driver to pick her up in the airport but I wanted to surprise her. So I made myself a sign with her name on it with a heart drawn beside it of course and I also bought her a bouquet of flowers to give her. I made a plan to talk to her driver for him to allow me to pick her up. At first, he didn't want to for security purposes but after 15 minutes of convincing him, he finally caved. But he said he was not leaving, so he'll be waiting outside the airport just to be sure and I respected that, of course.

I heard the announcement over the speakers that Nat's flight has already landed and I just felt so giddy to see her, that I didn't notice that I was bouncing up down from my spot. I guess, I just missed her so much and five days is a really long time for me.

I finally spotted my gorgeous red head wearing a white pantsuit with red stilettos and my jaw just dropped to the floor. I swear, she's the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. The way she walks with confidence and how her hair bounces with her every move gives justice to the definition of perfection to me.

She scanned the area looking for her driver but creases started to form in between her eyebrows when she was not able to see him. I then stepped up in front of the crowd and started waving my hand at her to get her attention. She was finally able to spot me and her confused look shifted into a wide smile. She started walking faster and when she reached me, she immediately let go of her baggage to hug me.

"Oh my god! You're here." she exclaimed.

"I wanted to surprise you. Here. This is for you." I smiled as I handed her the flowers.

"Holy shit, you're so sweet. Come here." she gushed, she then wrapped one arm behind my waist and kissed me on the lips.

"I want to drive you to your loft but your driver won't let me. He's outside waiting for us." I informed.

"Do you really want to drive me home?" she asked.

"Please?" I pouted.

"What my girl wants, she gets. C'mon." she said as she held my hand, leading me outside of the airport.

We made it out of the airport where her driver was waiting for the both of us. He approached us and offered to take Nat's bags which she agreed to.

"I'll be riding home with Wanda right now, Michael. Can you please bring my stuff to my loft and then we'll follow shortly?" she requested.

Her driver nodded and loaded her baggage at the trunk before driving away. Nat turned to me with a smile and I then lead us both to where I parked my car. I opened the door to the passenger seat and she quickly slid in.

"You didn't have to do this, you know." she smiled as I got into the driver's seat.

"I know. It's my pleasure, actually. I missed you so much." I replied. "By the way, that pantsuit? Smokin'." I added.

"You like this, huh?" she smirked.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Well then, slugger, take me home."

"Yes, Ms. Romanoff." I purred.

She softly moaned upon hearing what I just called her and I knew that it was gonna get to her. I drove us back to her loft so we can finally have some alone time after all those days she has been away.

As We CollideWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt