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The following days are gonna be a little hard for me since Nat will be traveling to Europe for an important business meeting her dad ordered her to go. I obviously can't go so I have to deal with the next few days without her.

"How long will you be gone?" I pouted.

"About 5 days. I have to convince the CEO of that company to sign a contract with us." she replied as she tossed more clothes on to the bed for her to choose from.

"That's a long time." I whined.

"I know. I hate it too but dad said he can't go so I have to." she groaned.

"Well, it sounds so important so I'll just have to put up with it, I guess." I shrugged.

"That's my girl. I promise to FaceTime you every now and then so I could keep you posted." she said.

"You better. Anyway, I think it helps that I'll be going back to work tomorrow so I can keep myself distracted again while you're gone." I implied.

"I love how you try to stay strong. So, I'll just get ready and then my driver will be picking us up in a bit. We'll drop you off first." she explained.

"What? No. I hired an Uber for myself. You have a flight to catch, Ms. Romanoff. Anyway, the Uber driver is close by so I'll see you soon, Nat." I smiled and kissed her on the lips before I grabbed my bag.

"Mm, I like it when you call me that." she smirked, her voice going an octave lower.

"Duly noted, Ms. Romanoff." I provoked.

She hummed after I said it again, she grabbed the collar of my sweater and pulled me in for another kiss, this time, even rougher than usual. It's obvious that calling her like that is doing something to her and I now found a way to tease her.

"I'm gonna miss you." she whispered as she pulled away.

"Ditto." I breathed.

A notification was sent to me saying that my Uber driver is at the entrance of the building already so Nat walked me to the elevator and kissed me on the cheek before it closed. I already miss her and I can feel that this week is gonna go by so slow because I now have to wait for her to come back.

As I got in the car, I received a text message from Nat right away.


Natasha: Take care, my angel 😇🥰

Me: you too ❤

Natasha: I miss you already 😒

Me: same 😩 please come back quickly, okay?

Natasha: I'll do my best ❤ I'll keep you posted.


I arrived at my apartment and when I entered, I noticed how messy everything was. Like a storm just passed by the living room. I was so baffled until I saw a trail of clothes leading to Sharon's room and it finally clicked.

"Hello? Sharon! Are you home?" I hollered.

No one responded right away but after a few seconds, I heard stumbling sounds behind her door. She then slightly opened the door with an expression on her face which I can only describe as panic. And the only piece of clothing that's on her was a large tee which I know she doesn't own.

"Hey, Wands! I--, uhm, you're home early?" she rattled.

"Yeah, well Nat has an emergency trip to go to so I had to go home. What happened here and what's up with you?" I questioned.

As We CollideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang