Say Nothing- 21

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You stare at Jeanine, trying to piece words together, but nothing comes out.





The silence is long and more awkward than the time Emery tried to flirt with that Scavenger girl. 

Jeanine finally breaks it with a delicate cough. "It's alright, you can trust me."

You still don't say anything, frozen in place. It's really awkward now. 

The silence stretches even longer.

"Normally you're not so weird," Jeanine mutters to herself. "Name?"

"Y/N," you manage, and she writes it down on her clipboard.

"There," Jeanine says. "I'll add you to the list."

With that, she walks away, heels clicking primly on the floor. You stare after her and melt back into the Amity, boarding the elevator and wondering what that was all about.

(Author's Note: Hey! Since the Bureau sends children into the system, I figured Jeanine would have had to notice and put them on the list, too. That's your ticket in! Yay!)

Advance to 23.

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