How It All Began

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You could hardly hear anything over how loud your heart was beating. Today was finally the day you were going to do it.

You were going to ask Yang Xiao Long, the prettiest girl in Signal Academy, to go out with you.

You've had a crush on her for the longest time and she was always nice to everyone, even you despite how everyone else treated you.

It was only your second year, and you were sure everyone pretty much hated you. They would bully you everyday until you cried, and it didn't help that you were too weak to do anything about it.

But this is where it would all change. This is when things would finally turn around for you.

You could see it now, if Yang said yes, people would HAVE to stop bullying you, less they incur her wrath.

You could finally get people to like you for who you are, and you would also have the girl you've loved since elementary school by your side the whole way.

To be honest, she was the main reason you went into a combat school. Though the fact that it made your parents proud certainly helped.

(Y/N): "U-u-umm, excuse me? Yang?"

The girl turned away from her friends, looking at you with her usual bright smile.

Yang: "Oh hey! Y/N right? What's up?"

Her lilac eyes warmed your heart to its very core. If your heart was pounding any harder it might as well have jumped out your throat.

You felt a little discouraged seeing the looks of disgust on her friends faces.

But you knew you had come too far to turn back now, so you pressed on.

(Y/N): "I-I-I w-was wondering... uhm... if maybe... y-you..."

You took a deep breath.

(Y/N): "If you would go out with me?"

You blurted out, your eyes forced to the ground.

There was no response, you were about to look back up at Yang when suddenly you heard a familiar voice.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that!? The little twerps got a crush!"

You turned to see the person who bullied you most of all.

Nick Zypher.

You turned back to Yang to see she was looking away from you, avoiding eye contact with anyone

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

You turned back to Yang to see she was looking away from you, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

(Y/N): "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even bothered."

You said practically bowing to Yang before trying to run away only for Nick to stop you.

Nick: "Oh you're gonna be sorry for not knowing your place twerp!"

Zero To Hero (One Punch Man Reader X RWBY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें