The Strongest Team Part 2

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Fubuki: "Why do we have to find your friend again?"

The two had been searching for Y/N for a good while now and still couldn't find any signs of him oddly enough, considering the path of destruction he continuously leaves in his wake.

Nick: "Do you really think a guy like him could find the temple on his own?"

Fubuki thought for a moment. Even though she hardly knew the guy, she could tell he was a bit dense.

Fubuki: "Fair enough."

She said waving her hand, dispatching of several more grimm that had encroached on their postion.

Just then they heard a sound in the distance.


Nick instantly smirked.

Nick: "That'd be him."

He said before he began running towards the source, followed by Fubuki.


You had finally arrived at the temple thanks to Genos's navigation.

Of course the two of you encountered many grimm along the way but you took turns taking them out.

(Y/N): "Bad bear. No bitey."

You said as you slapped another Ursa causing its head to come clean off of its shoulders.

Genos: "Master Saitama, if what you say is true, and that you achieved this amazing strength through training alone. Then it must be a very intense training regiment."

A tick mark appeared on your forehead.

(Y/N): "I told you not to call me Master."

You said turning to the young cyborg.

Genos: "But it is only proper for me, as your disciple, to do so Master."

You groaned.

Why weren't you paying attention when he said that?

This guy's a robot, what could you possibly teach this guy? All you have is strength training.

Genos: "The temple is just up ahead. Shall we grab a relic Master?"

You sighed.

(Y/N): "Yeah, let's go."

Getting closer you saw that this 'temple' was really nothing more than a series of pillars and pedestals with...

(Y/N): "Chess pieces?"

Genos: "They must have some hidden meaning, Master."

Most of the pieces were missing.

(Y/N): "Guess we weren't the first ones here."

You shrugged as you grabbed the white bishop piece.

(Y/N): "This pointy one looks kind of cool."

Just then there was an explosion behind you.

"Exploding Shuriken!!!"

You turned to see a pack of Ursi had been blown to bits by the blast.

Looking past the smoke you saw Nick with a girl following him.

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Nick."

He was surprised to see you.

Nick: "Didn't expect you to make it to the temple by yourself bud."

He said with a chuckle.

You pointed to Genos before speaking.

Zero To Hero (One Punch Man Reader X RWBY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt