Ron thinks for a moment.

Ron: Queen to E-5.

A queen walks over to E-5 and clinks the knight away.

"Cool!" The demigods say simultaneously.

Hermione: That's totally barbaric!

Ron: That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed.

Hermione: See you haven't.

Ron: Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!

"DRAGONS!" Molly screeched looking at her second oldest

"Dwagons! Dwagons! Can we get one mummy! Pweese!" Baby Charlie asked.

"It is so weird to see him like this." Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione.

Hermione: Good. You can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel.

Ron: We've looked a hundred times!

Hermione: Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas. {exits.}

"Did she just–

"Yes she did Padfoot." Remus interrupted.

Ron: I think we've had a bad influence on her.

"No you just getting her to come out of her shell." Annabeth says.


X-mas morning. Hedwig is perched in the boys' room, and Harry is asleep in bed.

Ron: {calling from downstairs} Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, wake up!

Harry gets up and runs to a balcony overlooking the common room, where Ron is standing next to a tree. He is wearing a sweater with an R on it.

Ron: Happy Christmas, Harry.

Harry: Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?

Ron: Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you've got one too!

Harry: I've got presents?

Ron: Yeah!

"You've never had presents before." Percy asks slowly and flinched at the end already knowing the answer.

"No." Harry said so quietly you cooo I do barely hear him.

James and Percy hugged Harry tight both promising to get him as many presents as they can.

Harry: Oh! {Harry runs down the stairs.}

Ron: There they are. {Ron sits on a couch arm and eats jelly beans as Harry picks up a silver wrapped package. Harry takes out the card.}

Harry: "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

"Uh, oh!" The Marauders say knowing their secrets will be exposed in these movies.

Harry opens the present. It is a cloak.

Ron: What is it?

Harry: Some kind of...cloak.

Ron: Well, let's see then. Put it on.

Harry puts the cloak on, and all of him disappears except for his head.

"That is how you do it!" McGonagall says as she jumps up from her seat and points at the 4 boys sitting not making eye contact with anyone.

Ron: Whoa!

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