Bắt đầu từ đầu

She flinched again, moved back a little. "You - you're totally drunk last night, I... I brought you here cos my aunt is out of town. Well I..." She closed her eyes, calmed herself down before mumbling; "We did it. It's not really your fault I forced myself on you without thinking..." Her voice trailed off in his mounting thoughts as he tried to assimilate what she just said, flashbacks of the scene making his head twirl.

"What-what happened?" He asked in a low tone. "What did you do? What happened?!"

"I'm sorry," She dropped on her knees. "I'm so sorry I couldn't stop myself. I've really liked you for a long time now and it must've gotten the best of me that I was actually there with you... I'm so sorry please forgive me, please."

Ali's heart was beating frantically, his eyes were popping out of their sockets and jaw was surely on the mattress. The things were happening just too fast and he knew he had to get his pill, fast.

"Where are my clothes?" He asked, climbing down the bed and immediately saw them on a plastic chair near the door.

"Ali," She stood up, wiping her cheek. "Ali please listen to me."

He ignored her and donned on his trouser and hoodie, leaving the other items behind but took his phone and the car key which was still in his pocket. "Nothing-nothing happened. You hear me? Nothing happened, nothing at all." He panted and dashed out, forgetting his shoes.

She followed behind him but he was already gone. What did I do?!

After giving up on the car when he couldn't find it and focusing on how to get a ride back to school, he spotted it after making a left turn and quickly made his way back.

In about fifteen minutes he made it back to the dorm and Salis was just ready to eat him whole.

"Where did you go to?! Where have you been?!"

But Ali ignored his and Ahmad's questions and made for the bag he keeps his pills. He gulped down five at once then snatched a bottle of water on a bunk he didn't care who owns and gulped it all down.

His breath gradually levelled and he sat down on the bunk, his body still trembling. No I didn't do that, I didn't do that!

"Ali is everything okay?" Ahmad crouched before him as he held his head. "You look horrible what's wrong? What happened to you?"

Ali shook his head, unable to say a word.

* * *

He sat legs stretched on the plastic chair, his feet flexing and head lolling occasionally. He's trying to block the noise from the men on the table and sang along a song playing in the restaurant subconsciously.

He'd soon be a graduate, it's just a matter of weeks. But he wasn't sure what he'd do with his life afterwards, be in the military and keep wasting it? Be a full-time heir but not the ideal one? Join his dad in running the companies or just end his life? Or no, he can just go far away and do whatever he feels like without worries of what his father would think or grandma will feel, it'd be just him and himself.

"Um Ali," A feminine voice called, interrupting his thoughts and he opened his eyes which fell on the fair-skinned petite lady.

"Can I... can I speak with you?" She sought, fear and nervousness drawn in every aspect of her. "In private, please."

Ali wondered what she wanted saying to him but then he's in no mood to talk, he pushed back his seat and stood up, waited for her to lead which she did after some seconds.

BEING YOURS Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ