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His mom was mad at him for being here without her knowing and she dragged him out of my room, off the stairs and out of the front door into her car. All of that with a crying Harrry on her side. He cried his eyes out and yelled to just stay here with me. My mom was looking at the sight sadly and walked up to me when she saw that I was close to tears myself. "It's okay, Boobear." She said. But I just wanted little Harry in my arms to cuddle with.

"I-It's n-not okay, Mom." I whispered. "He waited on the toilet for me, for me to come back and now his mom is mad at him just because he wanted to be with me? It's my fault not his." A tear fell out and ran over my cheek.

My mom just hugged me close against her chest. But this was not the same as hugging Harry. Nothing could compare to his hugs.

On The Toilet ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now