Zhou Yang was obviously much more upset during this time, and simply poured out all the beans, and the extremely fast cross-examination made Xia Tingwan's fingers holding the mobile phone tremble nervously.
Zhou Yang asked so many questions, he couldn't answer a single one.
He never deals with anger, perhaps because when he thinks of the word anger, all that comes to mind is the slap raised by his childhood father, the heavy breathing of drunkenness, and the severe pain in his body, so even as an adult, it is difficult for him to control his anger, and when he is impulsive, he will do things that he regrets.

But on the contrary, if someone is angry with him, even if it is just a stranger, his brain will still be stuck for a moment, followed by reflexive fear and withdrawal.
In the past five years, Su Yan had hardly been angry with him, nor had he raised his voice to yell at him for half a word.
He almost forgot what it was like to face the anger of others, and Zhou Yang's repeated accusations made him overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry, Zhou Yang." Xia Ting's throat dried up in the evening, and after a pause for half a day, he finally stumbled and said, "I, I really didn't think about it that much." Speaking of which, he himself felt weak, as if he had raised a shield made of paper, and he was so vulnerable to the sharp spear of Zhou Yang.
"Yes, that's exactly what you've always had—late, you never wanted that
Zhou Yang's anger did not dissipate at all, he said simply: "You are always pitiful and distressed, many times you have done something wrong, you just hide, but never think about the consequences, nor do you want to carry the responsibility you
"After you got married, you were photographed drunk kissing male models, people all over the world are eating melons, how much effort we spent, how many press releases we bought, to help you wash this matter, even Mr. Su also lost his face while helping you explain to the media: it's all small things, not cheating."

If it weren't for that kissing door, do you think that now that you are divorced, there will be so many media to see you hilarious and write you so badly? "Isn't it the same now?" The wine you drank, the car you drove, the person you injured, you made a six-centimeter scar on your face, but in the end it was Mr. Su who helped you clean up the mess, the company was apologizing for the PR for you, I was anxious to let you do scar repair, but what about you? You yourself are in a bad mood and hide at home, don't care about anything, should this be? You're in your twenties, it's time to start thinking a little more, no matter how vulnerable you are at this time, how much you don't want to carry it, you have your responsibility - we all have it, life is fucking like this, grow up.
"Well, I still have something to do, wait for the appointment date to help you change your treatment, and think about it yourself."
Xia Tingwan was trained to have a blank mind, Zhou Yang's phone hung up for a long time, and he was still there holding the mobile phone in a daze.
In addition to the unbearable years of his childhood, he became popular as a young man, and then he was surrounded everywhere he went, and then he was pursued by Su Yan, married Su Yan, and lived in a fairy tale castle for five years.
He had never heard such a merciless accusation, and even felt that his face was burning with shame and
People are less receptive to their worst selves, just as when looking in the mirror, the eyes automatically correct those asymmetries, beautify those imperfections, and then make up a more beautiful appearance than the brain.
Xia Tingwan always knew that his personality was not too good, but he seemed to be quite passable, and even what Su Yan said after his divorce did not tell him so bluntly - "You are very
But today, Zhou Yang didn't give him any room to avoid, so he told him.
Before going to bed, Zhou Yang sent him the appointment time at Ren'ai Hospital tomorrow, and Xia Tingwan took a look at it and slipped into the
He turned over and over until midnight, but he couldn't sleep, thinking about the words Zhou Yang said word by word, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but call Zhou Yang. 

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