!Chapter 13!

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I quickly stand up and go into the kitchen. I turn the faucet and put my glass under it and let it begin to fill up. My heart is beating pretty fast still. 

I can no longer act the same around him anymore, everytime I see him I have this random urge to just be near him and I don't want to get attached. Benimaru doesn't talk to me much and it kinda bothers me but it's my own fault too for not talking to him. 

Whenever I think of him leaving, my heart feels like its being squeezed and my eyes begin to gloss over. What is wrong with me? Am I being clingy to someone who barely talks to let alone, be near me. 

I feel some cold liquid fall over my hand and I quickly pull my hand away from under the water and dump some of the water out so it's not filled to the brim. I turn the faucet off and turn around and begin to drink the glass of water. 

I turn around and bump into something warm but it kinda felt like cloth. I felt the water splash all over me, getting me in the face, hair and shirt. I looked up to see Benimaru staring at me dumbfounded. I rub the water out of my eyes and look back to him. 

He suddenly gasped slightly and took his coat and began to wipe some of the water away as well. I blush as I accidently touched his free hand with mine. I avert my eyes away from his and look at the ground. We got the water off already, I just love the way his hands feel and his presence gives me chills down my spine. Its so euphoric and I love it more than I should. 

I look up and we make eye contact again expect this time I don't look away. I smile and get up and confidently walk down the hallway. 

I get to my room and jump onto my bed and put my face in my pillow and smile widely. I put my head on the pillow and look at the ceiling. 

'I cannot believe that I just did that...'

Benimaru x Fem! reader That time I got reincarnated as a slimeWhere stories live. Discover now