Realizations and Memories

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31 January, 2006.

The Burrow, Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, West Country, England, Great Britain.

Molly Prewett found herself in a very tight spot that she didn't know how to get out of. After the return of the teenagers to Hogwarts, Arthur had informed her that he would be staying in the guest bedroom for the time being, when she had asked him why, his response was that he didn't feel the love he had for her when they had gotten 'married' and was only staying because of 'their' children. If that hadn't been an alarm of something being off, Bill and Charlie's avoidance of her was definitely one. When asked if they were avoiding her, their response was that they just had a lot of things to do while in England and didn't have time to see her. Ron and Ginny hadn't sent her anything since they had left as well, which wasn't that weird but still something she took note of. When she had asked Albus, his only response was that she was overreacting and that everything was fine. She tried using love potions on Arthur again but he wouldn't eat what she would cook, which told her that he knew she had used them before.

The last straw was the article that came stating that Carina Black and Frank and Alice Longbottom were alive, she knew that must mean that they were onto her, Carina Black wouldn't have revealed herself without Arthur knowing she was alive, and if he knew she was alive then he must also know that she wasn't actually his wife or the mother of his children, those that were his anyway. She was afraid to say anything so she kept quiet for four days, but couldn't hold it in anymore.

When he came back from work that day, she confronted him with the news.

"You know everything, don't you?" She said as he took off his coat and hung it on the rack.

"I don't know what you're talking about Molly." He said calmly as he turned to face her.

"You know about Elaina." She said quietly, bending her head in shame. As the world around her changed, Molly had come to realize what she had done and regret her decisions from the past. She felt mad at her younger, jealous self, who had decided that her brother and sister had too much and took everything from them. She had decided in those weeks of loneliness that she would try and repay for what she had done, but hadn't had the courage to face the backlash of her actions. The article had given her the chance to confront the man for what she had done and rewrite her wrongs once and for all. She would not be Dumbledore's puppet any longer.

"DO NOT say her name with your guilty mouth." Arthur said in anger, finally showing the fact that he knew everything she had done.

"I apologize, Lord Weasley, for everything I have done through the years. I know that my words won't be enough to earn your forgiveness but I have come to realize the mistakes I have made and want to fix them." Margret said formally in apology, bowing her head in shame but knowing that it wouldn't earn her forgiveness.

"How do I know that you actually regret your actions, Margret Prewett? You were so jealous of your sister that you not only helped to take her away from her family, but stole her husband and children from her, all with the crazy thought that you were doing the right thing, because Dumbledore had told you it was right. How do I know you won't go to Dumbledore and tell him that I'm not under his control anymore? How can I trust you anymore?" Arthur said with such raw emotions that she started crying from finally realizing the amount of pain she had caused him. Contrary to what people thought, she and Arthur were friends at one point, and even though he had fallen in love with Elaina, he had still thought she would be his friend no matter what, realizing he was wrong was painful.

"I, Margret Lucertia Prewett, promise, on my Magic, that I will not go to Dumbledore or tell him anything. I promise I will never follow his orders ever again and that you will have my full loyalty from this point forth. In repayment for all the crimes I have committed against the Ancient House of Weasley, I will follow all orders made by Lord Arthur Weasley until the day he forgives me completely, so have I sworn, so mote it be." Margret vowed, her body shining and magic tying her to the House of Weasley. At Arthur's gasp of shock, she knew she was doing the right thing. What she didn't know was that Bill and Charlie had come to visit their father that day and had seen the whole transaction between the two.

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