The Beginning of Chaos

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27 January, 2006.

The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraftand Wizardry, Hogwarts Castle, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain.

The ripple of shock that went through the great hall of Hogwarts was one that hadn't happened since Harry Potter was chosen to compete in the Tri-wizard tournament. The students and teachers were shocked by they had just read, except for a few of them who had expected the article and had already known everything.

Severus snape was trying to hold in his amusement as much as he could, the expressions on his fellow staff's faces were priceless. All were shocked and relatively happy by the news that one of Hogwarts' most popular alumni was actually alive and well, except for one man who was trying to cover his anger at what he had red, and while he thought himself successful, the anger was a stark contrast to the happiness on everyone else's face, and was obvious as the sun shining on all of them. The man looked constipated, and was the biggest reason for Severus' amusement, it seems he wasn't expecting his prisoner to escape and reveal her mistrust, especially not so publicly or so subtly.

Albus Dumbledore was in, as was apparent on his face, seething. 'How had that insufferable woman escaped?' he thought to himself, he had thought his plan to be impeccable, and no one would know she was still alive. But she just had to escape and make his life more difficult. The woman had always been the bane of his existence, and now he knew she was going to be even more insufferable. He had to find a way to take her out before she riled up the wizarding world against him.

While Albus Dumbledore was lost in his own head, he missed an important conversation happening next to him. The staff had noticed the unperturbed look Severus Snape was giving the newspaper and were looking at him in exasperation. It was a well-known fact among those that had met Severus during his years as a student that he was a very close friend with Carina Black and the fact that he was so expressionless only meant one thing.

"You already knew, didn't you Severus?" Minerva McGonagall was the one to voice everyone's thoughts.

Severus looked to her, and with a very serious face said "Of course I did."

His face twitched as he fought back an amused smile at her expression. Then he stopped as he thought of the interrogation he was going to get from her, Flitwick and Sprout after breakfast. He was not looking forward to that.

Below the staff table, at the Gryffindor table to be more specific, everyone turned to Neville Longbottom after reading the article, looking shocked at what they had just found out. They had also noticed that those that sat around the boy weren't at all shocked by the news. Through all their shock they hadn't noticed a certain blond approaching their table until he cleared his throat to attract their attention.

Draco Malfoy stood in front of them, bowed his head to Neville and said in a voice that most of the Gryffindors sitting near where he stood had never heard out of him "Heir Longbottom, I would like to offer my formal salutations on the return of Lord and Lady Longbottom, and hope through their return that our relationship changes somewhat positively."

"Thank you, Heir Malfoy, I am sure our paths will collide more now that our fathers will be working together on the Wizengamott. I would also like to offer my congratulation on the return of your aunt and mother's Head of House." Neville replied politely and bowed his head as well. His housemates were shocked by the display, and when they turned to him questioningly after Malfoy had returned his thanks and left, all Neville did was shrug his shoulders. What his housemates didn't know about was that it was both an act they had planned to show the 'beginning' of their friendship and to educate them about pureblood culture and etiquette. They were awfully ignorant about the matter and it was high time they found out that wizarding culture was coming back, while not as intense as it was in previous years, it was still going to make an appearance soon.

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