The Unexpected Occurrence

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31 January, 2006.

Board of Governors' Gathering Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts Castle, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain.

Albus Dumbledore found himself in a difficult situation after the unexpected departure of Dolores Umbridge. While he was happy about the nasty woman leaving his school, he found himself without a defence teacher, and he didn't have a substitute in mind at all. He didn't want to ask the board of governors, but it seems they had taken it upon themselves to call for a meeting to discuss the situation.

Headed by Lord Lucius Malfoy, the Hogwarts Board of Governors oversaw the running of Hogwarts school, and were a constant source of annoyance for the headmaster. But this meeting there was an addition to the board, sitting next to Lord Malfoy was none other than Lady Alice Fawley-Longbottom, or well that is people thought her title was, they were in for a surprise that day though.

"Alice, my dear. What brings you to our meeting?" The old man said, disregarding all politeness and the fact that Alice had never given him permission to call her by her given name, which was a clear sign of disrespect.

"I'm actually here to oversee this meeting as Lady Hufflepuff, Headmaster. Lord Malfoy was kind enough to invite me to this meeting, so that I may take up my responsibility as the descendant of one of the Founders." Alice said, smiling at the shocked expressions that surrounded her, staring at her in disbelief. It was known by every wizard in England that the Founders' lines haven't been seen in a while now, for Alice Longbottom to claim to be a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, was a surprise to everyone.

"It is true. Lady Hufflepuff showed me a copy of her inheritance test to prove who she is, you will all find in front of you a copy as well." Lucius confirmed. He waited for everyone to read the paper and absorb its content before he said in his usual drawl "Shall we start the meeting then? We are here to discuss the recent departure of the defence against the dark arts teacher, and her prompt replacement."

"I have a person in mind for the defence teacher." Alice offered to those in the room, and while all seemed interested, Dumbledore looked to be trying to hide his annoyance and failing to do so.

"And who might that be, Lady Hufflepuff?" Lady Belladonna Zabini said, sharing a small smile with her old friend, who she had reunited with at the latest Dark Sect meeting.

"My husband, Lord Frank Longbottom. He was an auror during the previous war and has on hand experience in defence against the dark arts." Alice suggested, as part of their plan to induct someone into Hogwarts.

"I had a different idea." Lucius offered. "Why not Lady Black?" he said suddenly, surprising everyone in the room, even Alice and Donna. "She has on hand experience, she is one of he most powerful witches in our country, if not worldwide. She was a Ravenclaw, which means she must have a lot of knowledge. And she was known to have tutored a lot of students in various subjects during her Hogwarts days. I think she would make a wonderful teacher."

"I agree." Severus Snape, the last person anyone expected to speak up, said. "I am not ashamed to say that I was one of the students that she took under her wing while I was at Hogwarts. She was also the person that managed to mend my rather strained relationship with James Potter. I would trust her with my Slytherins." The other heads of houses nodded their heads in agreement.

A lot of the members of the board also agreed to the decision, but some were still hesitant about a Black teaching their children.

The final thing that sealed the nail on the proverbial coffin was Professor Filius Flitwick saying in a rather proud voice "Lady Black has always been a student that cared for those younger than her. I remember many instances when I entrusted her with the tutoring of younger students, and her lessons never failed. I have never regret choosing her as Ravenclaw's prefect or as head girl, and while teachers are not supposed to pick favourites, I will proudly say that it was a pleasure being her head of house and that she is by far one off my favourite students."

"Then it is decided then. Lady Black will be offered the position of Defence against the dark arts teacher?" Lucius asked everyone for confirmation, and when he got nods from all around the room, except the headmaster, who couldn't believe a Black would come to teach at his school, he replied "Then I will send her a letter today and await her response, I am, relatively, sure she will accept and that we will have a teacher by the end of the week." The hopefully went unsaid but those that knew the woman in question knew that it was implied.


31 January, 2006.

Black Manor, Blackmore.


Carina's voice reverberated through the manor as she shouted in exclamation. Lucius had just informed her of the conclusion of the Hogwarts board meeting, and the reaction was definitely...louder than expected. Carina was so focused on the news that she had just been told that she hadn't heard Alice whisper a quiet "I told you she wouldn't take it well" to Lucius, who looked at the woman with an unimpressed expression.

"I knew you'd be amazing in the position, that is why I suggested it. And everyone agreed. Also, they wouldn't have agreed on Frank and you know it. They wouldn't trust that he is still stable, no offence Frank." Lucius explained his actions as best as he could, even though he knew deep down that it was a spontaneous decision based on the thought of the woman's experience in teaching and his wishes for her to teach his son what she had taught the marauders so long ago.

"None taken." Frank replied casually, knowing the man was probably right.

"And they trusted me? I was there as well. And I'm a Black! We're known for being slightly mentally unstable." Carina responded in exasperation, still not believing that someone wanted her to teach at Hogwarts.

"With all due respect, darling, Frank wasn't known for taking in over a dozen students under his wing and taught them everything he knew. You did, though. You were known through all the houses to be an overprotective dark witch who only took select few under her wing, but when you did you cared to the fullest, taught to the fullest and protected to the fullest." Tomas said, knowing that he was right and that Carina would understand how much she fit the position.

"You agree to this?!" She asked loudly, even the person that knew her the most agreed to these preposterous ideas.

"I do, yes." Tomas confirmed with a nod of his head. "We need someone inside the castle to both protect the students and collect dirt on the old man. And while you might not agree to this, I and those here agree that you would be perfect for this. You are just and kind, with a touch of darkness to you and a willingness to spread a fraction of your knowledge to those around you, especially the younger generation. And with your hidden position as Lady Ravenclaw, you will be able to know all that is hidden in the school through you connection to Hogwarts' magic."

"UGH! Okay, fine. I'll do it. But just until we take down the goat, after that I will see what I want to do." At her agreement, they all cheered loudly. Lucius sent a letter to the school confirming her agreement to the position.

This was going to be an interesting year for all, especially those students who hadn't met the enigma that was Carina Black.

Get ready Hogwarts, as those there didn't know what was coming their way.

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