Chapter 29: Heroes vs Akumas. The birth of Armour-dillo

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Marinette POV

I dodged Chat Blanc's claws and threw my yo-yo at him. He knocked it aside and jabbed his staff into my stomach, knocking me backwards. I landed on the ground, panting for breath.

"Had enough, Buggabo? Or do you want to keep going?" Chat taunted as he twirled his staff.

Luka landed next to me. His jumpsuit covered in scratches. Silk smiling and twirling her sais as she walked towards us. I looked behind me and saw Scorpio struggling to fight Dominatrix's henchmen while the akuma laughed and filed her nails. Nino clutching his shield, blocking attacks from both Stone Heart and Horrificator. Alya clinging onto him .

"We're not doing so good right now." I said, panting for breathe.

"No kidding. If only I had my snake miraculous, we'd rewind time and start again." Luka said, wiping the blood from his nose.

"And what's better. That pesky Crimson Web isn't here to save you this time. I'll be taking your miraculous." Chat Blanc said.

"Why, Adrien?" Why fight for Hawkmoth?" I asked.

Adrien smirked.

"I don't need to tell you. You wouldn't listen." He replied and charged right at us. Luka blocked his claws with his baton. I dodged a web thrown by Silk.

Isaac. I hope you're doing better than us right now. I thought.

Isaac POV

I ran though the corridor and out of the school via the back entrance with a brainwashed Callum and Alvin hot on my heels. 

"You can't run forever!" Callum shouted..

"Dominatrix will have you." Alvin added as he dodge a bin I rolled in front of him.

We ran across the road, showing no sign of stopping. As soon as I made a right, an arm pulled me into the alleyway. 

"Master Fu? What are you doing here?" I asked. The old man hushed me and crouched behind a wall. I did the same and peeked over.

"Where did he go?" Callum asked as he looked around.

"Maybe he went back to the school. Let's go." Alvin replied. The two ran back to the school. 

I sighed and slumped on the wall, catching my breath.

"That was close. Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded, too exhausted to speak. Eventually, I got back up.

"Thanks for the help. Master Fu. Now I need to go back and help my friends." I said. Before I left, Fu stopped me.

"You can't. Not without this." He said and pressed a box in my hand. Similar to how I got my spider miraculous. I shook my head.

"I can't take this. I lost my miraculous and I got akumatized. I'm not strong enough to take this." I said.

Master Fu clasped my hands.

"Listen closely. Your former master saw potential in you. As do I. You may have lost your previous miraculous and almost hurt your friends. But you didn't. You resisted Hawkmoth's control. You may doubt yourself but I won't. And neither will your friends." He said.

I thought for a moment and nodded.

"I won't let you down, Master." I said and opened the box, revealing  bronze bracelet. A small light appeared and a small creature with the shape of an armadillo floated in front of me. He yawned and stared at me.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"That's my question." I replied, frowning.

"The name's Dill. I'm the armadillo kwami of deflection. My power can deflect just about any attack right back to sender." The kwami said proudly.

"Uh huh. Well. My name is Isaac Jones. I'm the holder of the spider miraculous. I go by the name Crimson Web. Well, not anymore. Now, I need your help . I gotta go back and save my friends." I replied.

Dill circled around me and nodded.

"I like this guy, Master Fu. Alright, Kid. I'll help ya. To transform, just say "Dill, let's roll. To transform again, say Dill, let's stop. Think you can handle it?" Dill asked.

"Yeah. I got it."  I nodded.

"Also, another thing. You might feel some discomfort in the shoulders once you're done. So, take it easy, yeah?" Dill added.

I nodded again and put in the bracers.

"Alright. DILL, LET'S ROLL!" I called.

My outfit was replaced by a beige armoured jumpsuit with matching boots, and a mask covering my mouth in the shape of an armadillo. On my arms were a pair of metal vambraces and gauntlets.

I looked at myself and smirked. 

"Alright, I'm loving this." I said.

"Flick your wrists." Master Fu said. 

I nodded and flicked my wrists. A long iron whip like  rope spear came out from underneath my vambraces and struck the wall in front of me. 

"Not like the Spider miraculous. But still cool!" I exclaimed, grinning underneath my mask.

"Now remember. You must return it to me after the battle. We don't want it in Hawkmoth's hands." Master Fu warned.

"You got it. Now to help my friends." I said and attached the rope dart to the roof and pulled myself up to the roof. I vaulted over the ledge and looked down at Fu.

"Good luck, Armour-dillo." He called.

"Armour-dillo, huh? Thanks, Master!" I replied and ran across the rooftops.

Luka POV

I crashed into the school wall and  coughed up some dust. Marinette was pinned down by Chat Blanc. Her bodysuit was torn. Her yo-yo wrapped around her neck. She struggled to free herself, but to no avail. Nino was unconscious and Alya was holding her ribs. 

"Sis? Scorpio?" I called out and saw them panting for breath. There clothes tattered and covered in dust.

"We're not doing so good right now." Cassie said. 

"No kidding. I never felt this tired ever since Princess Justice." Juleka added.

"We can't give up. Not now." I said and got up. 

I shoved Chat Blanc of Marinette, who was spluttering and coughing.

"Thanks, babe. Can anyone still fight?" She asked, rubbing her bruised neck.

"Nino's out cold. Alya's reaching her limit. So are we." I replied.

We heard a painful grunt from behind us. Alya was thrown at our feet. The fox miraculous was removed from her neck. Marinette helped her to her feet.

"Sorry, Mari. I lost the fox miraculous." Alya said, clutching her ribs.

"And now, you lost your lives" Stoneheart growled as he raised his giant fist. 

We clinged onto each other, waiting for the impact. 

Suddenly, a figure in a bronze armoured bodysuit kicked Stoneheart away from us, causing him to tumble to the ground.

"What the-!?" Silk gasped as the figure stood in front of us. 

"Isaac?" Cassie gasped as the figure glanced back. I couldn't read his expression because of his mask but I could tell he was smiling.

"Leave this to me." He said, flashing a wink at us before facing the akumas.

"Who are you!?" Chat Blanc demanded.

"The name's Armour-dillo. And I'm the one who's going to kick your ass." Isaac said and got into his stance.

"Armour-dillo!? What a stupid name! Stoneheart! Get him. " Silk laughed.

The rock akuma chuckled and cracked his knuckles as he walked towards Isaac.

Miraculous Ladybug: Vendetta Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora