Chapter 2 (Edit-ors)

Start from the beginning


When Meiko opened the hallway door, I walked in to see a small room with a bunch of chairs and sofas. It looked kind of like a doctor's office. Wasn't quite sure what a 'doctor' or 'office' were but that's what my brain was telling me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw more people.  Each of them had a number on their arm.  A tall girl walked up to me.  Her long gray hair had been pushed back into a ponytail, hers eyes were purple that glistened in the light, and she had wore a black short shirt that showed her belly button.  She wore a little light gray necktie, black skinny jeans and white converses. 

I noticed her arm that had the number 04 on it.  She stared down at me.  "Hello.  Who are you?" she asked with a gentle sweet voice, almost like Meiko's.

"I'm Miku Hatsune," I whispered, looking up at her.  "And you are?"

"Haku Yowane,"  she said.  "The fourth vocaloid.  Where did you come from?  I've never seen you around here before."

"Haku, she's the new vocaloid, or should I say Vocal Droid," Meiko explained.  Haku's eyes widened.  "Di-id you sa-ay Vocal Dr-oi-id," stutterred Haku.  "Yes, I meant what I said," Meiko replied with a knowing smile.

"So does this mean she's the one going? And the master's project is complete?"  Haku asked.

"Yes and yes," Meiko anwsered.

After that Haku zoned out into space for a moment. I was starting to get worried when she shouted  "HOORAAY!" She shouted so loud that it went right through my left ear and escaped through my right ear, .  "Yo guys over here!"  She exclaimed, waving over everyone else in the room.

The rest of the people in the turned in my direction and walked towards me.  The first one, or the first two who came over twins.  One was a girl and one was a boy.  They both had yellow hair , blue ocean eyes, and white ribbions on their heads.  They both wore white shirts with yellow bows tied to their shirt collars, black pants, and yellow belts.  They both seemed to have the number 2 on their arms.  "Miku, meet Rin, and Len,"  Meiko annouced. Their eyes expanded and the Len said ",Wait you me-e-an th-he Voca-al-----"

"-----Droid," Rin finished.  "Your lucky Neru hasn't gotten a hold of you yet or she'd tear you apart.

"What do you mean, is she going to squish me with the road roller?"

Rin stared at him with an annoyed expression and explained ", no Len, Neru is going to grab a piece of your hair tie to a doll and do Vodo with it."

Len stared at Rin with a bored face and said ", Haa Haa Haa , very funny.  But you shouldn't be laughing, I have options and your not the first one on the list."

Rin started to tremble a little and ran off.

Meiko ran up to Len yelled ",that was to far, why did you say that?!"

Len just sighed and said ", I'll go after her since she's my other half."

And Len quickly chased after Rin.

And with that I realized that I didn't understand what happened to Rin?  Why did she run away with her eyes leaking?

And with that my brain processed and researched what just happened here.  Keywords came to my mind: Like, care, crying, sadness, and Love.

As my brain processed more words I saw Neru through the window of a push door.  I'm guessing she saw the scene that just happened here.  She looked at me with despite and turned away.

A tall blue haired guy with dark blue eyes walked up to me.  He wore a long robe that looked a lot like a bathrobe, with a light blue scarf, and light brown pants.  He looked at me.

"So your the Vocal Droid every body's talking about,  I'm Kaito the fifth vocaloid," he explained.  " And don't worry about Neru, she has issues aganist the new ones."

 I couldn't shake off the new question that appeared in my thoughts. Who are the twins?

"Kaito, what is the story behind the two identical vocaloids?"

He looked puzzled, "You mean Rin and Len?"

I shook my head in agreement as he seem to be ready to give a long explaination.

"Rin and Len were born at the same time and day. The creater never identified if they were siblings or not before he died but, they both have a connection to each other. The truth is Len loves Rin as much as Rin loves Len. However, there is always that possibility that they are siblings and Len doesn't want to accidentilly fall for his sister. That is why he denys having feelings for her which we all believe isn't right. All of us except Neru, of course."

Now I was puzzled, "Why doesn't Neru want them to be together?"

Kaito sighed and replied, "Because Neru wants to take Len for herself"

 By the sound of the Kaito's tone, that was the end of the subject about Rin and Len. However, I had one more question that needed to be answered.

"Kaito," I called.  "Yes," he answered in a tired tone.

"What's the difference between Vocaloids and Vocal Droids like me?"  I asked.

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