Sado slumped in the chair filled with concern, not for her selfish life, of course, she felt concerned for her fight with the young King, did he deserve her brutal action? He was rude but was not what he thought it was, he wasn't wicked deep inside, she had proof of what she was advancing. Maybe he was hurt like she was some time ago when her days were spent swearing revenge, all she needed was a hug from a five-year-old human to know she still had a beating heart.

"Sort it out Sado, you brought this upon us, I'll get more vessels for his plants and seeds too." Marcus rolled his eyes while retreating to the stairs.


Sado woke up first on Sunday morning, she made breakfast and waited for the boys to get down, Phineas and Marcus made their way down but Oxias was yet to come so she went up the stairs with a tray, holding a cup of blood, she knocked before stepping in, immediately her eyes found him on the bed knees pulled to his chest with his head buried in between them.

She cleared her throat to draw his attention but to no avail. "Uh..." She trailed off waiting for a reaction from him, still nothing. She dropped the tray on the nightstand and left. She returned to the men downstairs, Marcus was just finishing up with his food while Phineas was far from done.

"I won't be home today, I have a business to attend to," Phineas said to Sado.

"Uh-huh," Sado muttered while packing the dishes.

Phineas raised a brow at her abnormal response but decided to shrug it off.

Sado sat on the Sofa watching random stuff to kill time, though she occasionally glanced at the stairs for any sign of Oxias. It was just the both of them home and Marcus had informed her the chains would magically wear off when it was time.

She bit her nails while watching. Later she made a trip to the woods nearby, a few miles from the glass home, where she had seen a beautiful flower while doing her morning crazy hunt.

She shifted to her wolf and started racing the forest freely. She enjoyed the fresh air rushing through her fur and how she could breathe without breathing in the smell from chemical substances and burning her lungs. She stopped by the gathering of the mysterious plant, it was a flower like others to her. It was spherical shaped, like a ball. It smelled juicy and fresh, and it had the most beautiful pattern of petals she had ever seen. She unrooted it after shifting to her human shape and ran home where she found a vessel to put it in. She went to the backyard of the house and shaped a garden where she kept it and assembled some other flowers. It was not good looking but it wasn't bad either. She walked inside the house after unlocking the door, she took in a deep breath to boost her confidence. She took off her shoes and bounced upstairs. She knocked before coming in.

The first thing she spotted was the neat ground free from ashes, she saw the chains had disappeared, this made her beam silently. But she shoved her excitement for herself. The bathroom door creaked and Oxias stepped out, slipping his head under a shirt and pulling softly.

She swallowed her words and waited for him to be fully clothed, but she did not fail to see his birthmark which she assumed was a tattoo.

When the neck of his sweater was down to the croak of his neck he took in her presence and looked away.

"Do you wanna come with me?" She asked.

He went over to the piles of papers on his bed and groped for them.

"I have something to show you, very important." She insisted but got no response from him.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I was hard on you, you didn't deserve what we did and said to you."

"You should be proud of yourself, now I have even higher chances of never going back. And escaping this nightmare." He said in a low rumbling tone.

"You can make it and I'll help you, you just have to learn, and you're doing well you know, you didn't let your huge monster swallow me." She pointed out. He paused before turning around so his eyes found her.

"Says who? I didn't let it feed on you, because I know you aren't worth ruining my chances over you and staying here forever. Not because I cared about a worthless omega." He said with a plastered frown.

She held back her anger at his name-calling. "As you say, now come on. I have to show you something."

"What don't you understand in my sentence? Leave me alone, I need time to myself." He resumed his tidings.

"Forgive me," Sado muttered, referring to her next action.

We're in the month of celebration guys let's not forget to celebrate all times.

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