won't be doing that again right?""yes mama"good"I say while kissing his left cheek

Mama...?"he whines


Menma and I look at each other then we run towards the kitchen only to meet a room covered in flour

*Cough cough cough

"Yahiko?...."he turns to us"what wh-what happened in here"I say while looking around the room

"I would rather not talk about it..."he says while looking at the other side

"Cool snow in the house!!"menma says while playing with the flour

Yahikooo ....?"I call out his name""I wanted to make some rice hehe""you wanted to make rice?"yes"... Then h-how did this happen?"I I don't know"

Yahiko""I'm sorry ok I'm sorry but on the blight side I made a simple sandwich, with eggs, onions and tomatoes, the stuff which you love menma"Yahiko says while taking the sandwich from the fridge and giving it to menma with a glass of pineapple juice

And and I made ramen huh huh?"he says while showing a stupid grin on his face"don't try to bribe me with a bowl of ramen, this doesn't change the fact that you tried to eliminate my kitchen

Oh come on Naruto....Hy little pie tell your mommy that uncle didn't mean it"he kneels to menmas level and kisses him on the forehead and receiving a groan from him

"I would...but you made one mistake""which is...,?"you kissed me"he says and leaves

"That little brat, he's just like his father.arrogant, hmph""Yahiko I'm going to get menma ready and when I drop him at grandma's house I want to find this room cleaned

"What?!!! have you seen how big this kitchen is?!"well you didn't care when you were using your deadly hands to kill my kitchen"I say while turning towards the stairs and where the hell is your boyfriend

"He went to pick ino up""The queen has arrived!!!" Hn talk of the devil..."Yahiko says while turning to the sink""oh Hy ino...."I say while going up the stairs

"Where is my little pie?....I brought him some gifts"she says while shaking the gift bags in her hand..., suddenly nagato runs in the room while breathing heavily and carrying gift bags too

"I also...(pant)brought him...(pant) gifts

"Why are you... looking like that?"I ask him while raising my eyebrows,he turns to ino then glares at her""I don't know,you can ask your sister"he says and Ino starts giggling

.......... whatever I'm going to get menma ready"I say while continuing my journey


"Menma you need to get ready, your queen blonde is here"I say while taking a towel towards menmas cute navy, black and white bathroom,.....he so have his father's test.... when I was pregnant I prayed that he should never have sasukes least some of it got answered,he has my blue eyes and whiskers

But the sad thing is his personality is exactly like sasuke when he was young before he became cruel......mischevious.and he also have his rude arrogant personality........  some of it and he also have his black hair,I can dye it but that's just taking things too far, plus he's cute like that

" aunt ino seriously here?"yes now hurry up""no.....I don't want to see her""now you don't really mean that,why?"

"HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN HOW SHE LEFT MY CHEEKS BACK THEN?!!!,she left my cheeks all big and puffy and pinky because of her kisses"

"I look at him then I start laughing"you know she only does that because she loves you right?"I... know"and it could hurt her feelings if you start avoiding her right?..."......I know"he says while looking down"at least look at the blight side,you still enjoy her company right?"

I enjoy it because she brings me gifts and nothing more,hmph"he says while turning to the other side"yeah Keep making yourself to believe that, have you forgotten that three days ago you were clinging to her and even crying your eyes out because you didn't want her to leave even though she brought nothing and left you with a pumpkin face"I say while smirking,I know menma doesn't like to show his true feelings just like his father

A light pink appears on his cheeks and he mumbles in embarrassment"what?"

"It was just a phase"he says while pouting""yeah a phase... let's call it that, now let's go, someone needs to take a bath... and after getting ready will go to grandma's house"he turns his face towards me and a big grin appears on his face"yay"now come on

"W-wait mama?"yes little pie""I say while turning to him and he turns his face to the floor""I-I know th-that I always go to grandma's house....but what about my grandparents from my fath-""menma"I call out his name before he could even finish his question and he flinches

"I go towards him and put my hand on his hair and I start to caress it"you know when you ask mom about that mommy gets sad.... and do you want to make mommy sad?"he quickly looks at me and shakes his head

"No no I don't want mommy to be sad,if mommy doesn't feel good about the question then menma will never ask it again,menma wants to make mommy happy""I soften my eyes and a small smile appears on my face""it's ok darling... menma always makes mommy happy

Menma is mommy's moonlight and sunshine"I say while ruffling his hair and carrying him in my arms

Now let's get you ready,ok?""oky"he says while smiling,I know what I'm doing is wrong and I knew that one day he will want to know about sasuke but I don't want him to know about him,I just don't,I want to be selfish just for once in my life...........

My master :SasunaruUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum