Chapter 5: zero one and the death of willy

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Anon and willy charge at each other anon getting a couple of good hits but willy uses his claws and slashes anon causing him to scream in pain

anon: ow that really hurts "he says as willy picks him up and throws him through a wall causing him to land in the kitchen" okay... This might be the end for me "he said coughing up blood but as he turns his head he sees a belt" huh the hell is this doing here "he says grabbing it before seeing a note" tap progrise key put in driver say HENSHIN pull trigger uh okay why not "he says struggling to his feet before pressing the key and putting it in the driver"


Anon: okay HENSHIN "he says pulling the trigger"


Anon: whoa okay this looks badass "he says before kicking the door down as willy looks at him"

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Anon: whoa okay this looks badass "he says before kicking the door down as willy looks at him"

Willy: who are you?

Anon: zero-one that's my name "he said doing a little spin" now let's do this you Freddy wannabe "he said as willy charged at anon but he easily caught both of Willys arms" man this suit is amazing "he says before ripping off Willys arms and kicking him away" well sorry pal but I gotta end this "he said pulling the trigger twice"


After delivering a rider kick that goes right through willy killing him he takes the key out of his driver turning back to normal

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After delivering a rider kick that goes right through willy killing him he takes the key out of his driver turning back to normal

Anon: this is something else "he says smiling before hearing the door open as he sees liv" oh hey liv sup "he says as she looks shocked"

Liv: anon your alive "she says running to him as they hug"

Anon: well yeah I can't let you just kiss me and run you have to buy me dinner first "he said smiling as she gently punches his shoulder" ow I'm still hurt here

Liv: sorry "she says before looking at his driver" Wait where did you get that?

Anon: I found it in the kitchen why?

Liv: because I remember my dad having that when I was a kid

Anon: really?

Liv: yeah I don't know what it's for but he always brought it with him

Anon: huh well I'll take good care of it and the same goes for you "he said smirking before they kissed"

It was the next morning as we see anon and liv walk out of the restaurant where Tex and Jed looked shocked while anon grabbed his keys

Anon: thanks for the trade enjoy partner "he said getting in his car with liv before driving off"

Tex pov

Tex: well I'll be damned

Jed: he actually killed those things

Tex: well I guess we can reopen this place maybe no animatronics "he said laughing while getting in there car before hearing a voice"

Sara: thank you for coming to Willys wonderland see you soon "she said before using a lighter causing there car to explode"

Anon pov

We now see anon and liv driving off leaving hayesville as liv lays her head on Anon's shoulder

Liv: so where are we going?

Anon: no clue but hopefully no where with animatronics "he said as they started to laugh before anon sees Tito and runs him over as everything goes black"

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