Chapter 2: killing a robot or two and a weird key

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Anon pov

We now see anon cleaning a table and as he turned around he saw Ozzie the ostrich right in front of him"

Anon: okay? "However before he could move the animatronic tried to attack him"

Ozzie: I'm gonna feast on your face

Anon: what the hell? "He said ducking an attack before grabbing a broom" bring it "he says as they go back and forth until anon gets the advantage and beats it down before pulling its head off" huh your not so tuff

Time skip of anon cleaning up ozzies parts

After anon cleaned up the mess he went to the back where he finds a pinball game

Anon: whoa sweet I'm definitely fixing you up "he said cleaning it up before going to the bathroom where he wipes away most of the graffiti and the toilets but he stops when he hears the animatronics singing" let me guess there all possessed great "he said rolling his eyes before turning them off but when he does the bathroom door slams shut" okay round two "and after he entered the bathroom he heard a voice"

???: let's play hide and seek, you'll never find me

Anon: alright bring it "he said as he started to look through the stalls"

???: I'm gonna eat your eyes out and then feast on your soul hahaha "he said as anon opened the last stall to see nothing at first but he soon gets ambushed by Gus the gorilla" haha gorilla greetings "he said before starting to pummel anon and then throw him into the stall but anon soon charges out with a plunger as he sends Gus back and then into the urinals where he curb stomps him multiple times" be we were friends "he said as anon delivered one last stomp killing Gus"

Anon: that is the end friend "he said before changing his shirt as he tapes his waist to cover his wounds" son of a bitch that hurts, stupid gorilla "he says before seeing a weird device on a shelf"

Anon: that is the end friend "he said before changing his shirt as he tapes his waist to cover his wounds" son of a bitch that hurts, stupid gorilla "he says before seeing a weird device on a shelf"

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Anon: what's this? "He says before pressing it"


Anon: is this a ripoff of the easy button? Eh whatever "he said putting it in his pocket before going back to work"

Liv pov

Liv and her friends have just arrived and pored gasoline all over the building one friend was about to set the place on fire but liv stops them

Liv: wait he's still in there

Bob: dudes probably dead already

Kathy: no I see someone moving

Bob: that's probably one of those things

Liv: and if it isn't listen I'll go in and look for him and you guys just figure a way for us to get out okay "she said as we now see her moving through the air ducts as arty alligator followed and tried to attack but she fell out and landed into a forest" what the hell is this place? "She said looking around while hearing a voice"

Sara: I've waited so long for a girl to play with "she said before appearing right in front of liv" wanna see my treehouse

Liv: yeah no "she said throwing a punch but Sara dodged before taking liv down"

Anon pov

I was currently cleaning when I heard a girl scream

Anon: now what "he said running into the forest where someone lands on top of him" what the hell "he said as he looked to see the girl from earlier as she blushes before they both get up"

???: thank god you're still alive "she said grabbing his hand" we gotta get you outta here

Anon: sorry but I can't "he said walking away as she followed"

???: wait what why not?

Anon: I have to clean this place to get my car back

???: you can't be serious

Anon: I am and I'm a man of my word

???: I-I'm liv by the way

Anon: I'm anon "he said when they heard another crash and they race to see some kids in the ballpit" and more work for me "he said sighing"

Liv: wait what are you guys doing here?

???: oh my god liv your alive

Liv: I thought you all were staying out there to help us find away out

???: well yeah but

Liv: now how the hell are we supposed to get out of here? "He said as the boys started to argue when the animatronics started to sing again" whoa whoa guys it's happening get ready "she said about to stab Sara the siren but anon stopped her before lifting her up and setting her down away from the animatronics" h-hey what the hells your problem "she said blushing" (h-he just lifted me)

Arron: wait a minute weren't there eight of them "he said before looking at the body bags" oh that's badass

Anon: yeah badass now leave me alone "he said before looking at liv" I'm keeping this "he said taking the knife as he walks into the back while most of the others follow"

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